A Message

Three (3) days.

All glory to God.


UPDATE, December 9, 2024...

5. Understanding

INTJs [me] want to feel a sense of understanding and respect from those closest to them.  They are a rare personality type, and so this does cause them to feel easily misunderstood by people around them.  While INTJs don’t need everything about themselves to be easily understood, they do crave having at least one person who takes the time to learn who they are beneath the surface. INTJs might not be emotionally expressive people, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to feel like someone truly gets them on a deeper level.  Having someone in their life who can peel back the layers of the INTJ and be patient enough to learn who they are, is truly valuable and important.  They really only need one person to fill this role, and this is something they will appreciate and treasure always.  (Source)


UPDATE, December 11, 2024...



Every red dot is an Israeli bomb, paid for by the U.S.
(Click to enlarge.)

Jesus said...

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  (John 10:10 NIV)

Who is "The Thief"?

It's not Jesus.

Jesus is the King of Israel.  It can be argued Jesus' family name is Israel.

Something calling itself "Israel" has been bombing Gaza to rubble, and committing genocide against the people living there.

What do you suppose Jesus thinks about that?

I have made a case that spiritual alignment with Israel is crucial for spiritual authority:  Sap blog post.

I see myself as a spiritual Israelite, like Abraham, Isaac, Israel, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Peter, Nathanial, Paul, etc., etc., etc.

This, I believe, has led to amazing things in my life.

I do not identify with the sinners who are carrying out and supporting that genocide.

The Darkness deceives.  It lies.  Its adoption of the name "Israel" fools some people into unwittingly supporting evil, and drives others away from the only source of authority that can save them.


I am not deceived.  You shouldn't be either.

The Father is going to take care of this problem.  Run as far away from it as you can.

All glory to God.


UPDATE, January 26, 2025...

What a piece of used toilet paper...


So the "globalist," criminal corporations can build a new canal...

Here are the details from Mr. Trump's employer:  AVR #5235.

Here is the video from Times of India...

UPDATE, January 29, 2025...

Why is Mr. Trump interested in what is going on in Gaza?

Why do I call him "Mr. Trump"?

Is he "Commander in Chief" of the British Territorial "United States of America," Incorporated?

Has that British Territorial corporation established the "State of Israel, Incorporated," headquartered in Kensington Palace in London?  Are they calling the State of Israel, Inc. the 51st State of the Union?

Mr. Trump has been in control of the British Territorial United States of America, Incorporated, for the past eight years, and this genocide in Gaza happened on Mr. Trump's watch.

That is why I called him "a piece of used toilet paper."


UPDATE, March 23, 2025...

International Public Notice: The Issue of Israel


We call upon Mr. Trump and his Handlers in London to reflect on their responses thus far and think hard about what those responses reveal. If Britain, which caused the problem, and "the U.S." which is existing as a thrall nation of "U.S. Citizens" consigned to peonage by the British Crown-- not the Russians -- continue on in this fashion, they will have no moral standing at all.

We call for the immediate shunning of Israel and its government by all other nations; simply cut them off. Refuse to trade with them. Deny access to their diplomats. Avoid them like the pariahs they deserve to be. Just shake your heads and walk away. We no longer care what they suffered in World War II, if they continue to cause and promote similar atrocities today.

Mr. Trump, don't misrepresent our government by supporting Israel and Netanyahu in committing genocide and the Israeli equivalent of Apartheid; any more armaments you send that allow Israel to promote an offensive war in the Middle East had better come out of your private corporate stash and not be applied to our bill under the pretense that these expenditures are made in our defense.

We never approved of the Monroe Doctrine and we certainly don't approve of the role "the U.S." has played to date in the Middle East.

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

Read the full article here (#5320, March 23, 2025).

As a Michiganian State Citizen, I agree entirely with what the Fiduciary said, and condemn the genocide.  I will have nothing to do with "Israel," as they are portraying it.