Single Again

My bride died suddenly four years ago this coming January.

I have gone through the typical grief phases and mourned her deeply.  It has taken me longer than I would have thought, but has been relatively quick compared to most widow(er)s because of my decisive personality.  People have no idea how many tears I have shed privately.

Earlier this year, I realized I was ready to start looking for someone to fill the void she left.  I am ready to date.

Already, I have had some experiences to put into the category:  Lessons Learned.

People do not know how to date.  My father taught me how to treat a woman, and I used to practice those things on my wife.  She appreciated it.

People also get things out of sequence.  As a project manager, this really irritates me.  I freely admit I have not always done things right, but it is clear to me from my first interactions with the opposite sex that any respect and reverence for the boundaries God intended for marriage alone have been totally lost and forgotten.  It is very disappointing.

This morning, I was prompted to change my "status" on Facebook to "Single."  I also removed a number of photos of my bride so people will get the idea I am moving forward.

I posted this as my "pinned post"...

Those are my boundaries, and I ask people to please respect them.

I also posted this...

I am open to having friendships with anyone, but have learned what I am specifically looking for in a wife.  More importantly, I desire to find the partner God has in store for me during my next phase.

Given that much of my life is behind me, any potential mate will need to know about my background, history, and unusual views.

I ask any woman who would like to date me to please consider this entire blog required reading.  She needs to know what she is potentially dealing with and getting herself into.

I also ask her to consider my writings about my Cooler Hat additional required reading.  That other blog is not anonymous, so anyone interested in it will need to get the reference from me.

I look forward to meeting and becoming friends with many wonderful and interesting people.

All glory to God.


UPDATE, September 25, 2024...

Mulligan granted. πŸ˜‰

🍺🍩🍁  😊