

This Creation we live in is very complex, and there are many things we do not understand.

I have learned to trust Jesus.

He tells me I should have the faith of a child.  That means I should trust him.  I should trust what he says.  And the only place where he has spoken is through the Bible.

I trust the Bible, and as I have learned to trust it, I have learned that it is right.  Things always line up with it.  As my faith has increased, that has been more and more so.

I see the world getting all upset about many things.  But Jesus gives me peace.

I have been following Anna Von Reitz because the Spirit of Jesus led me to do so.  He led me to correct my status, and I was obedient.  Currently, I am working in the Michigan Assembly to help reconstruct our Land Jurisdiction government, which has been dormant for 160 years.  Jesus wants me doing these things, and I see evidence of it daily.

I trust Anna's leadership about American History and Government.  I trust her as she leads us in Reconstruction.  She helped us (Michigan) get out of a bad situation earlier this year, and she freed us up to do our work.  I thank her for that.

As I have said before, I do not believe her about everything.  She is not god, and does not claim to be; nor am I.  I can be wrong, and have been.  When our opinions diverge, I generally have been silent, although I did comment about it in one post, just to make sure people comprehend where I stand.  (See the December 11, 2022 and June 27, 2024 updates to my Authority post.)

It seems every time Anna and her allies are getting close to making a significant advance in the War between Good and Evil, the Darkness tries to discredit her.  The posts she makes, like the one above, frustrate me because I believe she discredits herself when she makes them, but she clearly believes what she believes and sees what she sees.  And she has the right to her beliefs.

I have been deceived before, and I have written about some of those situations in this blog.  Perhaps I am deceived now, and I am open to changing my opinion, if evidence supports it.

But that's the problem.  I fail to see evidence.  When I look for what these people say they are seeing, I do not see anything.  Anna and her colleague Teri said in one of their webinars that it is easy to see space alien ships in the sky at dawn and dusk.  I went and looked, but did not see anything.  Am I deceived?  Perhaps.  But Jesus gives me peace.

One of my Michigan Assembly colleagues said yesterday in a Zoom call that he saw a giant "ship" in the sky.  Nobody commented.  I'm sure he saw something, but I can make no comment about it.  It was his experience, not mine.

Here are my logical thoughts about these things:

  1. The Bible talks about demons, but not space aliens.  Hollywood talks about aliens.
  2. The Bible says man is made in the image of God, which means man is special.  A universe with aliens implies man is nothing special.
  3. The Bible says the earth is only a few thousand years old; Anna talks about millions of years and Evolution.
  4. The Bible says Jesus is the Son of God, that he died to make atonement for sins, and that he rose from the dead.  How do aliens fit into that?
  5. The Bible says miraculous healings happen and I have learned how to do it myself, just like Jesus did.  The people who see alien ships put their hopes in alien technologies like "med beds."
  6. In all of Anna's writings, I do not see that she comprehends the Gospel, which implies she does not have the Gospel.  She needs the Gospel, and I pray she receives it.
  7. People claim there are treaties and documents supporting these revelations about aliens, but I have not seen any of those documents.  All I hear are claims and opinions. The engineer says, "Pony up the evidence.  Let us see it.  Prove it."

I believe people are deceived.  We can all be deceived.  If we have been deceived about The Great Fraud and the chicanery of the British Monarchy and Papal Rome, surely we are susceptible to demonic influence.  I know I was, until I was set free.

I am at peace.  God is fully in control.  I trust my Yehoshua.

All glory to God.

UPDATE, September 19, 2024...

This recent AVR article seems rather reasonable.  Decide for yourself...

Article 5012, What Christians Don't Know, September 16, 2024.

This one seems like "friends" talking to me...

Article 5015, International Public Notice: Meddling by the Galactic Council is Prohibited, September 18, 2024.

In this one, she says there are no "aliens," except the immigration kind...

Article 5010, International Public Notice: The Phoenician Bank System, September 16, 2024.

Make up your own mind.