Shock and Awe

This post is related to my "Cooler Hat." I care about my readers and believe it is important to share this information with them here...

Global Family Group (GFG)

Click to enlarge.
The Federal Reserve Note (FRN) is going away.  Legitimate notes have not been printed since 2017, and their existence is evidence of criminal activity.

People are being given an opportunity to put their dollars into a "vault" to protect their purchasing power when the change happens and their FRN's become worthless.

Please see the various articles in the Anna Von Reitz website for more information.

Anna is the Fiduciary of The United States of America, the actual government of the American Union States.  I have referred to her in several posts on this blog.

Associates of The American Federation of States are making this Vault available to all people of the world, provided each of them correct their own political status to Land Jurisdiction.

People must recognize the importance of this, learn enough about it to proceed, and then follow the necessary steps.

  1. Create a Vault account.
  2. Deposit dollars they do not need to access until after the "collapse" happens.
  3. Correct their political status.
  4. Create a Global Prosperity Account, which is where they will ultimately access the funds as AFD's or other currencies.
  5. Wait for access to the Prosperity Accounts when they eventually "go live."

Think of this as a modern-day, financial "Noah's Ark."

A "USD" is the international version of the "dollar bill," and an "FRN" is the domestic version.  The USD has been the World's "reserve currency" for decades.

An "AFD" is a new, gold-backed American currency issued by The American Federation of States.  It is called the American Federation Dollar.

FDR (source)

Americans are owed a one-to-one exchange of their "dollar bills" for silver1, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) promised in 1934 (AVR #4759, item "(47)").

The above referenced AVR article contains a very good summary of the massive fraud that has taken place. 

Time is running out (AVR #4850).  The Donald Trump "conviction" is a "shiny object," a sideshow, theater.  It is to distract people from more important things going on.


UPDATE, June 1, 2024...

Article 4851, Urgent Economic Alert, May 31, 2024.


UPDATE, June 2, 2024...

Article 4854, Reply to Ben Gardner and Anyone Else, June 1, 2024.

This article provides more details about Land Jurisdiction banking and answers some questions about it.

Article 4855, International Public Notice: Putting the US Debt in Perspective, June 1, 2024.

This article talks about big numbers -- very, very big numbers.

UPDATE, June 8, 2024...

Here is more information about the FRN and USD...

On June 9th [tomorrow], the sole-source contract with the Saudis to sell all their crude oil to the US expires.  (AVR #4864, June 6, 2024)


This may be Big News to you, but except for Mexico and Canada, no other countries on Earth are trading in Federal Reserve Notes.  As of Monday [day after tomorrow, June 10], they may not be trading in USD, either.

The Global Family Vault program is the only program (and only bank) on Earth offering to make good your losses due to inflation and counterfeiting and everything else that has gone on with the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE.  

This con started out in 1934 with one FRN being "deemed" equal in value to one Silver Dollar ---in the imagination of certain central bankers.  

Guess what has happened since then?  

The Federal Reserve Note has lost value every year of its existence, and now you are stuck holding onto this paper.  

The ratio is no longer one to one.  

That Federal Reserve Note "dollar" that you are clutching is actually worth less than half of one cent and headed straight for zero in the actual, factual world.   

That's why it now costs $10 for a bag of potato chips and it's not even a big bag.  Even in the domestic market, the FRN is obviously down to about 20% of its value fifteen years ago, and you stare at that fact every day at the grocery store.

For only $235 of these FRNs you can currently get one tenth of an ounce of gold and if you want to invest in bullion or gold coins you'd better make tracks and buy what you can at that price.

Nobody on Earth will give you a tenth of an ounce of gold in exchange for one FRN, which is what Global offers as part of the Vault program.

Why are they making such an offer?  

Because you are the innocent victim of currency manipulation.  You were guaranteed a 1:1 exchange rate, and so, from Global, you get a 1:1 exchange rate. You can preserve your 1934 buying power as if all the intervening rounds of inflation and profit-taking and counterfeiting never happened.  

You can be exempt from all the damage the fiat system caused.

You can turn that worthless paper into gold, and a poor widow with $10 in paper can exchange it for ten (10) American Federation Dollars currently worth $2350 in gold -- if you return home to your birthright status and stand on the land and soil and have sense enough to stuff ten FRNs in the Vault.  

It's that simple.
  (Read the rest here:  AVR #4871, June 7, 2024)

UPDATE, June 9, 2024...

Today marks the birth of the "Petrodollar"; it came into existence by contract fifty years ago; this day also marks the death of the "Petrodollar", as it has been announced that Saudi Arabia, one of the Principal members of OPEC, will not be renewing its contract to sell its oil exclusively using FRNs/USD.

Other countries will no longer be faced with the necessity of turning their national currency into "US" currency before being able to buy crude oil and refined oil products.

Thus ends the monopoly on crude oil and the secondary monopoly on currency, both.
  (AVR #4878, June 9, 2024)

How the Media covers it:  DuckDuckGo search for "saudi arabia petrodollar agreement"

UPDATE, June 11, 2024...

Article 4880, International Public Notice: Disturbing News, June 10, 2024.

Article 4882, International Public Notice: Arrest the Criminals, June 10, 2024

UPDATE, June 13, 2024...

1 Corrected an error by changing the word "gold" to "silver."  The article quoted in the June 8 update, above, says it was Silver Dollars.

UPDATE, June 17, 2024...

The actual American Government has issued:

  • The American Federation Dollar (international gold-backed currency, AFD).
  • Uncut Kennedy Dollars (silver-backed paper currency).
  • Reissuance of United States Silver Dollar coinage.
  • American Prepaid Credit Certificates.

Global Family Group (GFG) has recently been sending emails to those who have Prosperity Accounts containing AFD's.  They are providing information about what is happening.  Here is one graphic from that email...

Click to enlarge.