Fix yourself a cup.
1Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends.
We're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside.
There behind the glass stands a real blade of grass.
Be careful as you pass, move along, move along.
Come inside, the show's about to start.
Guaranteed to blow your head apart.
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth.
Greatest show in Heaven, Hell on Earth.
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo.
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll, oh.
2...Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of Vaseline.
Will perform on guillotine, what a scene, what a scene.
Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand.
To Alexander's Ragtime Band, Dixieland, Dixieland.
Roll up, roll up, roll up.
See the show.
When I was a senior in high school (12th Grade), I got to work as a "co-op" in a research lab at one of the multinational chemical companies in the city where I lived, and where I live today. A friend of mine and I took turns driving each other to work after lunch. We had been lab partners in 10th Grade Chemistry, and we were partners again in 12th Grade Advanced Chemistry, a college-level course. We both worked in the same laboratory building, number 118. I was in Lab 7; he was down the hall.
These work opportunities were exceptional experiences, and could only happen in a town like ours. We both cleaned a lot of glassware, of course, but I also got to set up and run experiments and operate sophisticated testing equipment. I learned "proper lab techniques," such as how to precisely weigh out milligram amounts of materials, how to use appropriate amounts of grease to assemble glassware, and how to use ventilated hoods and personal protective equipment to avoid becoming sensitized to the isocyanates we were working with. In addition, my boss took the time to take a piece of paper towel and diagram the chemistry for me using a pen. He was a PhD Chemist and he wanted me to learn his subject of expertise. He did such a good job that towards the end of my year-long assignment another PhD Chemist came from down the hall to learn what my boss had been doing, and my boss told him, "Go ask the co-op." The guy did, and I got out a piece of paper towel and diagrammed the chemistry for him with my pen, just as my boss had done. The guy stared at me with big round eyes. I still smile about it.
When my friend was the one driving our commute he always popped in a cassette tape of music, and it exposed me to lots of Rock and Roll. I remember hearing a lot of Pink Floyd and Emerson, Lake and Palmer (ELP). One of the ELP tapes was called Brain Salad Surgery, and the cover art was very creepy. The lyrics at the top of this post are part of a song called Karn Evil 9.
I'm telling you this because my sister and I were lamenting about the current state of the world: graphene oxide, messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), nanotechnology, fraudulent health tests, ineffective and dangerous "safety measures," cruel isolation of the elderly and the dying, medications that shut down the kidneys and flood the lungs, genocidal protocols and denial of lifesaving treatments, forensic election audits, propaganda and censorship, and other unprecedented turmoil.3 We know people who received the experimental gene therapy earlier in the year and recently received a seasonal influenza vaccination, and now they are getting sick. We expected they would get sick because we understand what is going on, but many people still don't. It's really starting to get old. My sister said, "This is the song that never ends." That triggered my brain cells and I started searching for the song that had those lyrics. That's the reason for my discussion, above.
When we understand the "big picture," it is easy to look back and see that much of what we are experiencing was predicted by the culture decades ago. That's because the Darkness runs the culture, and the Darkness can't help but boast about its plans.
It has been said, "Future proves past." Some individuals pridefully announce "prophecies," and many people take them seriously, but their predictions rarely materialize, and most are never even checked. But if events consistently match specific predictions in hindsight, it lends credibility that the "predictor" was somehow in control and made things happen. That is what biblical prophecy is all about. Micah predicted a ruler would come out of Bethlehem (5:2), and that is where Jesus was born. It helped confirm that Yeshua was the Messiah. God the Father is in control, and He used Micah to prove it.
Emerson, Lake and Palmer wrote and performed Karn Evil 9 in the early 1970's, and if you examine the lyrics they foreshadow some of the dark things happening now, fifty years later. How did they know? Apparently, they must have been clued in by those who were planning and orchestrating future events.
It has also been said, "Symbolism will be their downfall." The number 9 means things to some people, and they use it to communicate with their friends. That is why "9" and "11" show up as an emergency telephone number and the date of a particularly evil event. Symbols transcend language barriers, and some people think they wield or convey power. Whatever their reasons, their use of symbols divulges their presence and activities to those who recognize the symbolism.
So, the ELP song title contains a "9" and the actual word "evil." And the song certainly seems to celebrate evil. Even the initials of their band give away their symbolism and allegiance. Substituting the numbers of the individual letters of the alphabet for each initial (ELP): E = 5, L = 12, P = 16; and adding them together: 5 + 12 + 16 = 33 results in the number of the highest level of achievement and knowledge in the Freemason secret societies4. There is a reason the freezing point of water is 32 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale. These people have been colluding in secret and influencing society for centuries, and our culture is full of their questionable "fingerprints."
So, the boys who wrote Karn Evil 9 are boasting through the initials of their names that they think they know what is really going on. Take them seriously; it's right in front of us for all to see. They aren't hiding it, if you know the code and simply listen to what they say!
After my last post, I began reading articles about our actual American history and government. To put it bluntly: we've been lied to and defrauded. I'm still learning and have more to read. There is a lot to learn. I'm going to discuss one particular topic in this post: corporations.
The sole purpose of a corporation is to make a profit. An incorporated entity enjoys the option of bankruptcy protection. That means they can shield themselves from their creditors, which means they can borrow money and then "legally" not pay it back. It's a perfect tool for criminals, and it has been used often.
Corporations can own other corporations, but they can never be sovereign. There is no higher authority above a sovereign, except the King of kings, of course. Monarchs are sovereigns, and so are Americans, thanks to their Declaration of Independence and William the Conqueror.
This means a corporation cannot be a sovereign government, and the entities acting as most governments around the world are just government service-providing corporations. They only have authority over their own employees, but most people have been fooled into believing they must obey them. Not true. At all.
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Carefully examine this screenshot from the Dun & Bradstreet website. It clearly shows that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a corporation, and that it is a subsidiary of another corporation. Most people and businesses assume the CDC has authority as part of the government, and they obeyed all of the CDC's recommendations during the so-called "pandemic." But as a corporation, the CDC only has authority over its own employees and direct subsidiaries. They may provide useful and good advice, but the general public is not obligated to follow that advice.
If anyone tells a member of the general public they must do something because it is a CDC recommendation, that person is operating under "color of Law." It is unlawful for them to do that, but many people do it because they are misinformed and have been taught error.
The Wikipedia article about the CDC says it is "the national public health agency of the United States." Which "United States" are they talking about, you might ask? There are several -- in this case, it is the MUNICIPAL United States -- but that is another discussion for a different day.
The article says the purpose and mission of the CDC is to protect public health. That is what the public presumes their government would do, but as a corporation the CDC is really only in business to make a profit. It is a government services corporation, providing services, just like a lawn-care corporation mows the grass for my mother's senior living facility. Its purpose is to make money for its shareholders. Who are the shareholders? Good question. Who actually controls the CDC and what are their motives? The answers are out there, but they are not what we might think.
I find the CDC's name interesting. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." The word "centers" implies there are multiple parts of that organization. How many parts are there? How many are visible; how many are not? What are all of those "centers" doing?
The word "prevention" seems straightforward, but "disease control" could have multiple meanings. If we assume the CDC is working for us, we would likely presume they are keeping disease under control and keeping us safe. But what if they are simply controlling disease, and what if the purpose of that control is to make a profit, or exert influence, or coerce people, or some other unknown, nefarious purpose? What if they are using disease as a tool to control people or the whole population?
The English language can be imprecise and ambiguous, and unscrupulous people sometimes use it to take advantage of others. It actually happens a lot. That is what I am learning as I read about our actual American history and government.
So, I had you get a cup of coffee before you started reading this post. I hope you did. Coffee tastes good in the morning, and it can help wake us up.
I hope you are waking up to what the Darkness is doing. I have been. I'm sure glad God the Father is still on the Throne, and Jesus is right there beside Him. We're gonna need 'em.
All glory to God.
1Karn Evil 9, quotation begins at the [8:42] mark.
2[11:38] mark.
The quoted lyrics are recited at
Complete lyrics are recited at
UPDATE, April 12, 2022...
3For more up-to-date information about this, please watch this video.
Here are some observations by a funeral director: video (Published October 15, 2022)5
Patent information is revealing what this "virus" chapter in history is really all about.6 Anna von Reitz provides a good list of references: here. A researcher found the master patent that points to ninety (90 --> reduces to 9) other patents and lays it all out, and it is not what we were told. The researcher explains this in a video interview on Bitchute, which is linked through Anna's document.
One of the things the researcher said is...
mRNA viruses are completely unstable single-helix viruses that cannot infect a human body unless they are encapsulated in lipid nanoparticle technology. (Starts at 06:38 in the video.)
This was admitted by "government" health "authorities." The whole story about a virus was theater to create panic and herd people into making decisions necessary to carry out the actual scheme that has been in play.
This is about inoculating humans with an AI [Artificial Intelligence] bioweapon that has parasitic properties. That's what it's about. [Starts at 30:09 in the video.]
Nanoparticles are extremely small, much smaller than a virus and a human cell. They are engineered, and they have been patented. The patents describe the whole thing.
Injections and swabs are not the only way to get these things into our bodies. The patents claim they can be put into anything: masks, food, animals that we eat, even the air. These things can be aerosolized. Your cloth masks are absolutely useless, and the manufactured ones may be tainted.
So, why are they going to so much trouble to do this? Remember the Georgia Guidestones? They are trying to kill us. Worse than that, they are trying to put things into the cells of our bodies so they can remotely control us and put us into an existence that is worse than death. They plan to use 5G and 6G cellphone towers and transmitters, which will activate the "quantum dots" they have put into our God-created bodies. These people are absolute psychopaths and are completely insane. And they are not afraid to openly boast about their plans through movies such as: The Matrix, Divergent, Oblivion, Jason Bourne, etc., etc., etc...Most people will probably find the patent documentation and discussion beyond comprehension, but I strongly suggest you try listening to what she says in the bitchute video. She also has articles at her website, which you can access through Anna's document. You are bound to learn things, no matter what your technical background is.
The "snake venom" phenomenon and its inherent loss of taste and smell was part of the ploy to get people to take the injections. This whole thing is many-layered, and is full of deceptions and lies.
...But God the Father knows what's going on. Get into the Ark. 😉
UPDATE, July 12, 2022...
Corporations are unaccountable monsters. They are legal fictions. Imaginary. They only exist in our minds.
They manifest on paper, in electronic images and descriptions, and as trademarks. They seem to have substance because they are housed in buildings, behind walls and fences, and many produce physical products that we use and consume. But it is in our minds where corporations actually reside.
People are physical. They have physical bodies. They are also living beings with souls and spirits. Cows, chickens, pigs, and goldfish are living things, too. Corporations are not. They are dead. They have no substance. Legislators and courts may have defined corporations as "persons," with the same rights as living people, but that is hogwash. Just like the edicts that created those "persons," corporations are figments of imagination. They are not equal to creations from God.
Corporations are unaccountable. They consist of employees, a top employee (CEO), a board of directors (BOD), and shareholders. If things go wrong the employees will point at their bosses; the CEO will point at the BOD; and the BOD will claim they are just trying to keep the shareholders happy. Most shareholders own a few shares of the corporation through mutual funds, pension funds and brokerage accounts, so they don't have a clue what is actually going on. My mother owns shares in Pfizer and Moderna through a brokerage arrangement her late husband set up, and she can't even tell you what she ate for dinner just two hours ago! (Sorry, Mom! Luv ya!!)
Corporations are inhabited by many, many people who just want to make a living. I worked for a corporation. There are also a few very, very selfish people who do not have a conscience and who worm their way into the inner workings of corporations and find ways to enrich themselves and gain power. One way they do that is by acquiring other corporations and businesses, stripping them of useful assets, and then disposing of anything remaining. That is how they eliminate their competition, and what results are a few huge, global monopolies with interlocking directorates, which means board members sit on the boards of other corporations where they collude and coordinate strategy to dominate the world. Sounds crazy, but that's what's going on.
It reminds me of the Doomsday Machine Star Trek episode, where a giant machine goes around the galaxy gobbling up planets and star systems. Knowing some things about Gene Roddenberry, the series creator, that are not necessarily listed in his Wikipedia article, I suspect this is another example of the culture foreshadowing fifty years ago what is happening now.
What is the alternative? Taking responsibility for ourselves and what we do. Most people have been lured into incorporating their businesses, but they were not told that doing so would transfer ownership to whoever they were "registering" their business with. They gave it away by signing on the dotted line. And for what? Bankruptcy protection? Unless someone is doing something highly risky, or unlawful, there is really no need for the option of bankruptcy. Insurance can cover monetary problems and we should always obey the Public Law. Most people have been deceived.
As the original post said, it's time to wake up. Drink more coffee.
All glory to God.
UPDATE, July 15, 2022...
Corporations are hierarchical structures. The "Peter Principle" observes that people tend to ultimately be promoted into positions of incompetence. An organization populated with incompetence produces bad products and lousy customer service. Over my lifetime I have seen great companies and trademarks deteriorate into empty husks or disappear altogether. Those that remain only feed "the machine."I have also observed that "scum always rises to the top." Ruthless people do whatever is necessary to climb the ladder. They don't care about anybody but themselves. They are princes of this world, and they unknowingly work for the Prince of this World himself. I tremble for them.
I am so grateful that God drew me out of that system and did not let me rise to a level of incompetence. He had me leave my job at the peak of my career, which ultimately led to further job experiences where I could remain competent.
As I have said elsewhere, God uses apprenticeship through the Holy Spirit to do his work, which is a much more effective way to manage people than hierarchical structures.
UPDATE, August 24, 2022...
Pink Floyd produced a song for their 1975 album, Wish You Were Here called "Welcome to the Machine." The official video is very creepy, and may be another example of evil foreshadowing. If you go to the Official Pink Floyd YouTube channel, you will need to sign in to prove your age. There are some pirated versions on YouTube that do not require that, least as long as they stay up and are not removed.
UPDATE, August 31, 2022...
I encourage everyone to pursue these two things with urgency...
1) Please take time to comprehend what is really going on in the temporal world, meaning the things we can see. Investigate the real American Government, which has actual authority over all jurisdictions in each of the fifty American states. You can start by visiting their website at:
7The Michigan Assembly website is new, and seems to be particularly good, in my opinion:
I summarized these things in my Authority post and its updates.
Deception is real. The Darkness has never been this exposed. These times are perilous.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
UPDATE, October 24, 2022...
5Added this link.
UPDATE, November 3, 2022...
6Added this link.
UPDATE, November 13, 2022...
This video describes how corporations relate to Admiralty Law. It also explains what Admiralty Law is.
7Added this sentence and link.
UPDATE, November 17, 2022...
4I recently heard the highest level is actually 99. Why doesn't that surprise me? Of course it is. I discuss this more in my Manifestations post.
Altered footnotes to maintain proper order in the main text.
UPDATE, January 2, 2023...
Updated some of the links to in various places across the entire blog to go through because many of the articles in that second website now contain the article number and the publish date.
Also added the copyright © notice in the footer of the blog.
UPDATE, June 16, 2024...
8 Changed the link to the website of the new Michigan Assembly. The Assembly existing at the time of the update was dissolved and replaced.