
Why are men's shorts long?

Are long shorts the current style?


What if you want to purchase shorter shorts?

Can you?  Are they readily available?

Who determines what is in the stores?

The "Fashion Industry?"

Who runs the Fashion Industry?

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Do a search for "shorts images"...

Except for young women1, shorts styles tend to be long.  They tend to cover down to the knees.

Has it always been this way?

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Here is a search for "1970s shorts images"...

Everybody wore short shorts then, including men.  Our current culture even jokes about it.  Why is that?

This is my wife and me with my mother (on the left) in Florida in 2016.

(Look at my poor wife's knees, and that is after she was prayed for in Jacksonville and the swelling went down.  She was actually getting around quite well when this picture was taken.)

Notice we are all wearing long shorts, or capris in my mother's case.  That's because we had been programmed to stay out of the sun.

My wife always wore longer pants.  She looked nice in them, but they did not allow her to get much sun when she went outside.

She was in the house most of the time.  She used her computer tablet a lot, doing genealogy, reading, shopping and social media.  And the television was always on, except during the last year when we became disgusted with most of the fare.

She stayed inside, and when she went outside she sat in the shade.  As I said previously, I believe this all led to her being deficient in "sun hormone," which led to her poor health.

To test my hypothesis, I have been intentionally spending time in the sun.  I have been exposing my skin for 20 minutes per day when sunlight quality is good -- meaning the sky is generally clear.  To protect my eyes, I have been covering them with a sleeping mask.

On days that were chilly or breezy early in the Spring, I shot baskets in the local park, exposing as much skin as was comfortable for the conditions.

I have been letting my bald head get the full treatment most of the time I am out.  I used to always wear a hat.

I used to mow the lawn and work in the garden in the evening, to avoid strong sun, but I now know that is the opposite of what I should be doing.  Now I am doing more of it when the sun is high -- when my shadow is shorter than my height.

The results?  Wow!!!  Absolutely amazing!

I am sleeping better, and waking up early ready to go.  I always used to sleep until well after 09:00.  Now I am awake at 06:30 or 07:00, and am absolutely full of energy.  I am not having any digestive issues at night either, even though I have been snacking on carbohydrates shortly before going to bed.

I am also doing intermittent fasting, and am just eating one main meal per day, but that is not entirely new.  My wife and I were doing it for a while, although we were eating a couple of times per day and not just once.  It was easier for me to do than it was for her.  She was always hungry.  Poor thing.

When we started supplementing with iodine (Lugols) several years ago, I quit doing the "sunscreen nonsense" when I worked outdoors.  I was confident that replacing my inventory of iodine would enhance my immune system and counteract any increased risk of cancer... and I got a suntan.  Imagine that!  I think my exposure to sun by working outside helped maintain my good health, whereas my wife did not get that.  She would occasionally dead-head flowers, but not for long.  Getting out and doing things was difficult for her.

She used to play softball when she was young, and in recent years I occasionally asked her to play catch with me.  She never would.  She hurt too much.


One other thing worth mentioning is how our living in Britain seemed to correlate with my dental health.  My dentist laments that she doesn't make any money off of me (jokingly).  I've always had good teeth (and so did my wife), but after we were in Britain for several years I ended up with bleeding gums.  At the end of the second time we were there, I got my first cavity.  I didn't know what it was and ended up losing the tooth.  I have not had any dental issues since the mid 1990's when we moved back to Michigan.

Britain is in relatively high latitudes.  Due to the low angle of the sun and frequent rainy weather they do not get a lot of good quality sunlight.  People joke about the poor condition of people's teeth in Britain, but I am now sure it is due to the lack of sunlight -- and "sun hormone."  I believe this is also the reason people get more respiratory illnesses in the Autumn and Winter.  It is due to deficiencies in "sun hormone," not kids going back to school and "spreading germs," as I had always been told.

I am convinced that getting appropriate amounts of direct, overhead, high-quality sunlight is crucial for our good health, and I am heartbroken I did not learn the importance of this until after my dear wife died.  God lets me understand things when He is ready.  His ways are not our ways.  I am sharing this in honor of her, and to help others.  I think she would be happy to know that her death is resulting in good.

All glory to God.


UPDATE, July 19, 2022...

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1I see crop tops are back, .... not that I'm complaining! 😃

Bare midriffs, halter tops, low-rise jeans, hot pants, and mini skirts all blessed my eyes in 1971 when I was first learning to deal with my hormones.  Oh boy.  It was absolutely wonderful!

Crop tops reappeared in 2003, right when my girls were becoming teens.  My wife made sure they wore appropriate clothing.  Thank you, my dear!

Why does the Fashion Industry do this?  Yes, they want to churn the market to drive sales, and there are only so many ways to cover people's bodies.  Ideas get recycled.  But are there other reasons for the choices available?

I have discussed in other posts how we are all programmed.  Clearly, young girls are being programmed to behave in certain ways, as are young women.

When I wrote this post last year I was focused on our lack of Vitamin D and how the available fashions seem to contribute to that situation.  I mentioned that young women's clothing was the exception, but I did not elaborate because I wanted to stay on topic.

Clearly, the culture pushes sexualization of young women, which is obvious, but I think that is just a "shiny object."  I think there are other things actually going on.  Dark things.  Very, very dark things.

In my Deprogramming post, I talked about some very disturbing realities that go on in the shadows.  Unfortunately, I have become aware that the hole is even deeper than that.  Much deeper.  It involves human trafficking, and all of the roads that can lead to.  It is about black markets and the demands of those markets.  What is the worst kind of thing you can think of that might be happening?  It's actually worse than that.

I think Vitamin D (sun hormone) is a big, big key, and the visible markets are shaped to meet the demands of the black markets.  Sun hormone is a building block for other hormones in the human body.  Adrenaline is a hormone.  Suppression of sun hormone leads to poor health, and the need for medical services.  Cultivation of sun hormone leads to healthy bodies and plentiful hormone production.  In addition, people of a certain gender and certain ages are more easily frightened, and terror produces certain chemical responses in the body.  (I'm being coy because I want you to think about this and come to your own conclusions.)

Just like many things in Hollywood and the Media, the movie MONSTERS, INC is probably based on more truth than people are prepared to accept.  God knows about it, however, and I tremble for those who are part of that global industry.

We all need to wise up and protect ourselves and our families.  And we need to pray for justice, mercy and faithfulness, and do what we can to bring those things about.

(Do you suppose MONSTERS, INC might be a MUNICIPAL corporation?  Interesting... )

UPDATE, August 6, 2022...

Today was hot (92°F/33°C) and I wanted to wear some "short shorts," like the ones we all used to wear back in the 1970's.  I'm sick and tired of the long, baggy things I've had draped over my thighs for years.

So, I went to a thrift store and found some Levi's® 511 32/34 jeans, tried them on (they fit), exchanged them for seven (7) Federal Reserve Notes (FRN), brought them home, consulted the Interwebs, found my wife's sewing gear, measured where I wanted to cut them off, and actually cut them off about one inch longer to allow for possible mistakes and eventual fraying.

Then I went for a walk.  It was wonderful and felt like when I was a kid.

I did the same thing with a pair of my faded Lee® jeans when I was about seventeen.  It's easy.

Men, ... Testosterone is a hormone, too.  It's one the Darkness is terrified of, and they have good reason to be.  Cultivate yours. 😉