
Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Grounds, John Constable

I think I am figuring out the puzzle.

Back in 2016, I posted Thy Household Stuff.  Please read that post before reading further here so you will understand what I am talking about.

When I first encountered what I discussed in that previous post, I was terrified, and so was everyone else who was talking about it.  I believe I had good reason to be terrified because I had never encountered anything like it before.  Soon, however, I began to realize God is in control of all things and what we are seeing is actually from Him.  It is a good thing.

The Internet is abuzz with discussions about this, and I suggest you spend some time looking into it yourself.  Many call it "false memory."  They are trying to explain away things that are unexplainable in their worldview without God.

The Bible says that the testimony of two or three witnesses is valid.  It also says that Jesus appeared alive to over five hundred people who knew him before his very public death by crucifixion.  That's a lot of witnesses.  The Greek word for witness is "martyr."

Many people are witnessing clear, public, supernatural changes to things, and it is all visible to the entire world.  These things are everywhere:  in our kitchens, on our cars, on business signs, names of famous people, and in the Bible itself.  They cannot be ignored, although many people do.  People don't even notice them.  One particular man apparently doesn't even seem to notice that his own name has changed!

I think this is another example of God's mercy.  He is giving people yet another opportunity to repent and believe because He doesn't want anyone to perish.  At the same time, He is making fools of entities, institutions, and people who have done and are doing evil, and He is doing it in front of those who believe.  God is so amazing!!!


One of those things is the Ford logo.  My wife owned a Ford pickup truck, and she sold it to our daughter's boyfriend.  Here is a picture of the logo on the tailgate.  See the curlicue on the "F"?  That didn't used to be there.  I remember, and so do many other people.  Surely if I go find some pictures from the past I can prove what used to be there!

Here is a picture of my parents from around the time they were married, and I believe they were with his cousin at a fair.  That is a Ford logo behind the cousin.  Unfortunately, his head is where the curlicue would be.  The rest of the logo looks right to me, however.  It is different from the picture, above, but companies have been known to 'update' their logos.

So, I went to the Library and examined original copies of LIFE Magazine.  Here is the cover of the magazine published around the time my parents would have been in that picture.

And here is an advertisement inside of that issue.  There is a curlicue, and the "d" looks similar to what was on the pickup truck tailgate above, but it doesn't look like the "d" in the picture of my parents.  It is strange that logos from the same time period appear to be different.

Let's go further back in time.  Perhaps the company had recently changed their logo, and the sign at the fair was an old version.  Here is the cover of an issue from 1947.

Here is an advertisement inside of that issue.  Curlicue.  And the "d" looks like the one on the tailgate, but not like the one behind my dad's cousin.

Apparently, these changes have happened to items created years and years ago.  These printed magazines are real; I held them in my hands.  They are not digital graphic images or Internet "deep fakes."  The KJV Bibles in basements and on church altars have these kinds of changes, too, printed letters on paper.  Go look for yourself.

I have heard some people try to explain these things away by suggesting there are parallel universes and we must have skipped into a different one from where we were.  Really?  Got any evidence to support that, or is it just your belief?  Seems to me it requires far less faith to believe in the God of the Bible.  He, at least, has witnesses.


Some people have found "artifacts" of the previous versions of things that have changed.  Finding evidence of those previous versions would disprove the "alternative universes" hypothesis.

Someone posted this picture on the Internet of a cake with the old version of the Ford logo decorated on it.  No curlicue.  That's what I remember it looked like.

Just before she died, my wife was sorting through pictures and she found this one from 1999.  It was apparently taken by our younger daughter because she is not in the picture.  We might criticize the framing of the picture, until we realize that the logo on the truck does not have a curlicue.  You should be able to enlarge the image if you click on it.

Here is a blown-up version.  This is one of the last photos my wife got reprinted.  Yes, it's fuzzy, but I don't think there's a curlicue there!  That's how I remember the logo to be.  This is another "artifact," like the cake, and God made sure we found it.  He wants us to believe!!!

And that's comforting!  My wife believed.  That's why she pursued the reprint.  She had simple faith.  She just wanted to know what she needed to know so she could do her job.

My wife (helper) found this on Ebay.

There's more...

The "lion and lamb."  That's in the Bible, right?  The lion will lie down with the lamb.  Isaiah 11:6.  Not anymore!  It's a "wolf" now.  In every version of the Bible.

Why would people make figurines of this image if it wasn't in the Bible?  Many of them used to include the inscription "Isaiah 11:6" on them, and they were available on Ebay.  Not anymore.  Somebody bought them all up!  Why would they do that?

Click to enlarge.
There's a big battle going on over this, as searches reveal.  Why would people create memes with a picture of a lion with a lamb, and then quote Isaiah 11:6 with the "wolf"?  It doesn't make any sense.

There are even ministries called "Lion and Lamb."  This one was established in 1995.  Do the people running that website even realize Isaiah 11:6 no longer talks about a lion and a lamb being together?

Investigate these things for yourself.  What do you think?

Here is one I am less certain of, but am pretty sure it is another change.  I believe it used to be "Looney Toons," or perhaps "Loony Toons."  Not only do I remember it that way, it makes more sense from a marketing standpoint.  It adds to the joke.  I cannot believe the creative personalities who produced those hilarious cartoons would pass up the opportunity to create the visual echo in the trademark of their own business.  What is there now just seems unimaginative to me.

It just doesn't make sense.  My mind wants to put the double-ohs in the bottom word, but maybe that's just me.  I believe it has been changed.  I have faith.

And that's the key word -- faith.  God is looking for people with faith, who will believe HIM.  He always gives us the opportunity to not believe.  That is why he keeps things hidden from us, so we can develop faith.

[Jesus] said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."  (Matthew 18:3 ESV)

I continue to make a conscious decision to believe like a child.  My profile picture on Facebook is of me when I was about four years old.

As I said at the top of this post, I believe God is using these supernatural changes to make fools of those who are opposed to Him, and He is letting those who believe in Him see it.  This is how the "puzzle" has been coming together for me...



Why Ford?  There are other car companies, but Ford has been singled out.

Henry Ford is known for inventing the assembly line and producing cars in such numbers that they can be profitably sold to the people who build them.  He is applauded for that, and it is what we have been taught.

But what if his chief purpose was to increase the productivity of those who work to feed the machine?  I have been walking around town a lot because I have the time and because it is what Jesus did.  Cars whiz by me all the time, getting their occupants to where they are going much faster than if they walked.

What else did Henry Ford do?  Who did he associate with?  What is his background?  It's worth looking into.


Looney Tunes

Warner Brothers is part of Hollywood.  The media has produced a lot of ungodly things to draw people away from Jesus, and the misdeeds of many are being exposed.


Food Industry

This is a big one, and people don't notice it.  Not only does this industry take livelihoods away from people who used to produce their own food, they open doors for all sorts of evil that can be done to harm consumers of their products.  I used to think in a free market the suppliers would work hard to ensure the safety and effectiveness of their goods, or they would go out of business.  But we don't actually have a free market, and everything is owned by just a few corporations.  There is the appearance of choice, but they are really monopolies, global monopolies.  Worse than that, it is becoming apparent that those who head up those monopolies are in league with those who hate God, and who want to "steal and kill and destroy."

The Church

The person who doesn't seem to realize his own name has changed, whom I mentioned by name in the previous related post, is the pastor of a church.  Many people ridicule him, but many follow him.  I think this example should frighten anyone who claims to represent God.


The Bible

There have been many changes in various translations of the Bible.  It is important to recognize what the Bible is, and what it is not, as I discussed previously.

After saying all of this, I see many people wasting time trying to figure out who the antichrist is, or will be, and trying to link biblical prophecies with current events.  I think we need to keep our eyes on the ball.  We need to make sure we have our own tool-bag, have submitted ourselves to true authority, and do our own jobs.  We can use the manifestations discussed above to evangelize people only if they see them and are asking questions about them.  If they don't see them, they can't see them.  They are not ready.  We need to pray for God to work in their lives while we move on to find a son of peace who can understand.

Time is short; the Darkness knows it.  That is why they are trying to suppress many things like this.  Exposing lies will remove the armor the Darkness relies on to maintain its grip on individual people.  This is God's project.  We are just 'contractors.'



All glory to God.


UPDATE, January 1, 2023...

Are the manifestations discussed above possibly some of the "shaking" discussed in Hebrews?

At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” This phrase, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of things that are shaken -- that is, things that have been made -- in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.  (Hebrews 12:26-29 ESV)

If so, then these manifestations are important.  Paul's Mystery for DUMMIES discusses that shaking in Chapters 14 and 15.

UPDATE, April 3, 2023...

Here's another one that has me "puzzled."  As I study our American history and government, I have been perplexed by a couple of things.

Anna von Reitz mentions "essential government services" in many of her articles, and she always references "Article IV" of the Constitution(s).  She often puts that phrase in quotes so I assume she is quoting from a document, but when I search for that phrase it does not appear in any text.  I just don't see it, but she seems to be very confident it is there.

She also occasionally mentions the interstate sale, manufacture and transport of alcohol tobacco and firearms.  I do remember that one.  But, ...it's not there either.

This is very strange.  Anna and I are about the same age, so we lived during the same time and were taught similar things.  I remember them like she does, especially the one about "sin taxes."

As I stated, above, I believe the Father is in full control and is making fools of those who have done, and are, doing evil.  Those who have been running the "U.S. government" rely on "the Constitution" for any authority that they have been delegated.  That "U.S. government," and particularly the military behind it, has been terrorizing, bullying and plundering the God-created people of this planet for 160 years, ... and they have been caught.  And it looks like the document they rely on to justify their existence... has changed.  Oh, this is priceless!

As I have said elsewhere, I'm sure glad God the Father is still on the Throne, and Jesus is right there beside Him.  We're gonna need 'em.


UPDATE, June 14, 2023...

Added the Rod Serling meme, as well as the "it's not there either" and "sin taxes" links.


UPDATE, November 17, 2023...

Click to enlarge.

Just saw this while watching The Color of Money, 1986.  There is a Ford logo in the background, and it looks like the old version without the curlicue.  It's pretty obvious when watching it frame by frame.  I took this photo of my television, so it's a little fuzzy.