
These are my daughters when they were preteens.  The photo was part of a previous post, "Explain This..."

In that post, I stated I did not know what the cover art meant on the Newsboys CD.  I have since had some further thoughts.

My sister read the post and suggested the hands behind the back might symbolize a form of submission, and she pointed to some examples on the Internet.  I immediately realized she might be onto something. 

Doing an Internet search for "Tony Podesta art" brings up some disturbing images.  This is one of them.

Those girls have their hands behind their backs.  I will leave it to you to decide what you think it is all about.



This picture prompted me to make this particular post today.  I just ran across it and saw, once again, the hands interlocked behind the back.

I think these things are connected, and I think I know what it means. We shall see...

As Mr. Spock would say:  "Fascinating."

All glory to God

UPDATE, July 28, 2022...

I believe this all relates back to Burned Toast.  I believe the Father has given me credentials through that and other experiences, and the Darkness has taken note.  God has protected me personally (so far), but I believe He has allowed the Darkness to encroach upon my family.

I believe the girls on the CD cover are my children.  How can that be?  Hey, God can do anything, and the Darkness is capable of a lot, too.  If the Ford Logo can gain a curlicue, my daughters can end up on a Newsboys CD.

I believe my girls have unknowingly submitted to the Darkness.  That is why they will not talk to me and shun me.  Personality differences can explain some of it, but not everything.

The swimming pool in the photo is Gloria Vanderbilt's, and the children in the painting have been abused.  They have been traumatized, and their hands behind their backs seems to be a form of submission.  (See my Deprogramming post to understand what this is about.)

My children have been propagandized and programmed by the Media, the culture, the schools, the institutions of our government, and many businesses.  They were terrorized about "the virus," as were their peers and many other people.  The Holy Spirit led me to disconnect from all of that.  I got rid of my cable TV, do not read any newspapers, magazines or popular books, and I disconnected from almost every source of packaged information on the Internet.  But many people have not, and I believe that includes my adult children.  The entities they work for even push the propaganda and encourage them to comply with mask mandates and certain personal health decisions as conditions of employment.  I believe they are terrified, and have submitted to the narrative.  I also believe they have been taught to distrust and disrespect me as their Father.  That was the purpose of Homer and Bart Simpson and many other "programs" we have all been exposed to.  There is a reason those things are called "programs."

The CD photo seems to have predicted this twenty years ago, shortly after we made our highway rest stop near Somerset, Pennsylvania.

I find it interesting that the Explain This post is the last one I made before my wife died.  The Darkness attacked her, too, as is evidenced by the circumstances and precise timing of her death.  She was "kidnapped," and I "rode into the hospital on my white horse" demanding to know where she was.  Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do.

On top of all that, my mother's mind is declining and she is becoming more and more confused.  She always wanted to do the right thing and got her flu immunizations each year, and every time she did her mental abilities deteriorated.  This is, sadly, the case for many people, and is part of the business model the Darkness has operated to enrich itself.

Many people have been traumatized by the Darkness, and some have been destroyed, like my wife.  The only way through this is Jesus.  We must submit ourselves to Him, and work with Him to complete the Victory He won at Golgotha.