
Fix yourself a cup.

1Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends.
We're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside.
There behind the glass stands a real blade of grass.
Be careful as you pass, move along, move along.

Come inside, the show's about to start.
Guaranteed to blow your head apart.
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth.
Greatest show in Heaven, Hell on Earth.
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo.
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll, oh.

2...Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of Vaseline.
Will perform on guillotine, what a scene, what a scene.
Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand.
To Alexander's Ragtime Band, Dixieland, Dixieland.

Roll up, roll up, roll up.
See the show.

When I was a senior in high school (12th Grade), I got to work as a "co-op" in a research lab at one of the multinational chemical companies in the city where I lived, and where I live today.  A friend of mine and I took turns driving each other to work after lunch.  We had been lab partners in 10th Grade Chemistry, and we were partners again in 12th Grade Advanced Chemistry, a college-level course.  We both worked in the same laboratory building, number 118.  I was in Lab 7; he was down the hall.

These work opportunities were exceptional experiences, and could only happen in a town like ours.  We both cleaned a lot of glassware, of course, but I also got to set up and run experiments and operate sophisticated testing equipment.  I learned "proper lab techniques," such as how to precisely weigh out milligram amounts of materials, how to use appropriate amounts of grease to assemble glassware, and how to use ventilated hoods and personal protective equipment to avoid becoming sensitized to the isocyanates we were working with.  In addition, my boss took the time to take a piece of paper towel and diagram the chemistry for me using a pen.  He was a PhD Chemist and he wanted me to learn his subject of expertise.  He did such a good job that towards the end of my year-long assignment another PhD Chemist came from down the hall to learn what my boss had been doing, and my boss told him, "Go ask the co-op."  The guy did, and I got out a piece of paper towel and diagrammed the chemistry for him with my pen, just as my boss had done.  The guy stared at me with big round eyes.  I still smile about it.

When my friend was the one driving our commute he always popped in a cassette tape of music, and it exposed me to lots of Rock and Roll.  I remember hearing a lot of Pink Floyd and Emerson, Lake and Palmer (ELP).  One of the ELP tapes was called Brain Salad Surgery, and the cover art was very creepy.  The lyrics at the top of this post are part of a song called Karn Evil 9.


I'm telling you this because my sister and I were lamenting about the current state of the world:  graphene oxide, messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), nanotechnology, fraudulent health tests, ineffective and dangerous "safety measures," cruel isolation of the elderly and the dying, medications that shut down the kidneys and flood the lungs, genocidal protocols and denial of lifesaving treatments, forensic election audits, propaganda and censorship, and other unprecedented turmoil.3  We know people who received the experimental gene therapy earlier in the year and recently received a seasonal influenza vaccination, and now they are getting sick.  We expected they would get sick because we understand what is going on, but many people still don't.  It's really starting to get old.  My sister said, "This is the song that never ends."  That triggered my brain cells and I started searching for the song that had those lyrics.  That's the reason for my discussion, above.

When we understand the "big picture," it is easy to look back and see that much of what we are experiencing was predicted by the culture decades ago.  That's because the Darkness runs the culture, and the Darkness can't help but boast about its plans.

It has been said, "Future proves past."  Some individuals pridefully announce "prophecies," and many people take them seriously, but their predictions rarely materialize, and most are never even checked.  But if events consistently match specific predictions in hindsight, it lends credibility that the "predictor" was somehow in control and made things happen.  That is what biblical prophecy is all about.  Micah predicted a ruler would come out of Bethlehem (5:2), and that is where Jesus was born.  It helped confirm that Yeshua was the Messiah.  God the Father is in control, and He used Micah to prove it.

Emerson, Lake and Palmer wrote and performed Karn Evil 9 in the early 1970's, and if you examine the lyrics they foreshadow some of the dark things happening now, fifty years later.  How did they know?  Apparently, they must have been clued in by those who were planning and orchestrating future events.

It has also been said, "Symbolism will be their downfall."  The number 9 means things to some people, and they use it to communicate with their friends.  That is why "9" and "11" show up as an emergency telephone number and the date of a particularly evil event.  Symbols transcend language barriers, and some people think they wield or convey power.  Whatever their reasons, their use of symbols divulges their presence and activities to those who recognize the symbolism.

So, the ELP song title contains a "9" and the actual word "evil."  And the song certainly seems to celebrate evil.  Even the initials of their band give away their symbolism and allegiance.  Substituting the numbers of the individual letters of the alphabet for each initial (ELP):  E = 5, L = 12, P = 16; and adding them together: 5 + 12 + 16 = 33 results in the number of the highest level of achievement and knowledge in the Freemason secret societies4.  There is a reason the freezing point of water is 32 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale.  These people have been colluding in secret and influencing society for centuries, and our culture is full of their questionable "fingerprints."

So, the boys who wrote Karn Evil 9 are boasting through the initials of their names that they think they know what is really going on.  Take them seriously; it's right in front of us for all to see.  They aren't hiding it, if you know the code and simply listen to what they say!

After my last post, I began reading articles about our actual American history and government.  To put it bluntly:  we've been lied to and defrauded.  I'm still learning and have more to read.  There is a lot to learn.  I'm going to discuss one particular topic in this post:  corporations.

The sole purpose of a corporation is to make a profit.  An incorporated entity enjoys the option of bankruptcy protection.  That means they can shield themselves from their creditors, which means they can borrow money and then "legally" not pay it back.  It's a perfect tool for criminals, and it has been used often.

Corporations can own other corporations, but they can never be sovereign.  There is no higher authority above a sovereign, except the King of kings, of course.  Monarchs are sovereigns, and so are Americans, thanks to their Declaration of Independence and William the Conqueror.

This means a corporation cannot be a sovereign government, and the entities acting as most governments around the world are just government service-providing corporations.  They only have authority over their own employees, but most people have been fooled into believing they must obey them.  Not true.  At all.

Click to enlarge

Carefully examine this screenshot from the Dun & Bradstreet website.  It clearly shows that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a corporation, and that it is a subsidiary of another corporation.  Most people and businesses assume the CDC has authority as part of the government, and they obeyed all of the CDC's recommendations during the so-called "pandemic."  But as a corporation, the CDC only has authority over its own employees and direct subsidiaries.  They may provide useful and good advice, but the general public is not obligated to follow that advice.

If anyone tells a member of the general public they must do something because it is a CDC recommendation, that person is operating under "color of Law."  It is unlawful for them to do that, but many people do it because they are misinformed and have been taught error.

The Wikipedia article about the CDC says it is "the national public health agency of the United States."  Which "United States" are they talking about, you might ask?  There are several -- in this case, it is the MUNICIPAL United States -- but that is another discussion for a different day.

The article says the purpose and mission of the CDC is to protect public health.  That is what the public presumes their government would do, but as a corporation the CDC is really only in business to make a profit.  It is a government services corporation, providing services, just like a lawn-care corporation mows the grass for my mother's senior living facility.  Its purpose is to make money for its shareholders.  Who are the shareholders?  Good question.  Who actually controls the CDC and what are their motives?  The answers are out there, but they are not what we might think.

I find the CDC's name interesting.  "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."  The word "centers" implies there are multiple parts of that organization.  How many parts are there?  How many are visible; how many are not?  What are all of those "centers" doing?

The word "prevention" seems straightforward, but "disease control" could have multiple meanings.  If we assume the CDC is working for us, we would likely presume they are keeping disease under control and keeping us safe.  But what if they are simply controlling disease, and what if the purpose of that control is to make a profit, or exert influence, or coerce people, or some other unknown, nefarious purpose?  What if they are using disease as a tool to control people or the whole population?

The English language can be imprecise and ambiguous, and unscrupulous people sometimes use it to take advantage of others.  It actually happens a lot.  That is what I am learning as I read about our actual American history and government.

So, I had you get a cup of coffee before you started reading this post.  I hope you did.  Coffee tastes good in the morning, and it can help wake us up.

I hope you are waking up to what the Darkness is doing.  I have been.  I'm sure glad God the Father is still on the Throne, and Jesus is right there beside Him.  We're gonna need 'em.

All glory to God.


1Karn Evil 9, quotation begins at the [8:42] mark.

2[11:38] mark.

The quoted lyrics are recited at

Complete lyrics are recited at

UPDATE, April 12, 2022...

3For more up-to-date information about this, please watch this video.

Here are some observations by a funeral director:  video  (Published October 15, 2022)5

Patent information is revealing what this "virus" chapter in history is really all about.6 Anna von Reitz provides a good list of references:  here.  A researcher found the master patent that points to ninety (90 --> reduces to 9) other patents and lays it all out, and it is not what we were told.  The researcher explains this in a video interview on Bitchute, which is linked through Anna's document.

One of the things the researcher said is...

mRNA viruses are completely unstable single-helix viruses that cannot infect a human body unless they are encapsulated in lipid nanoparticle technology.  (Starts at 06:38 in the video.)

This was admitted by "government" health "authorities."  The whole story about a virus was theater to create panic and herd people into making decisions necessary to carry out the actual scheme that has been in play.

This is about inoculating humans with an AI [Artificial Intelligence] bioweapon that has parasitic properties.  That's what it's about.  [Starts at 30:09 in the video.]

The injections are just one of the delivery methods of the bioweapon.  So are the swabs for the "tests."  There is no reason to invasively obtain samples this way for a highly contagious respiratory virus.  They were gathering genetic material from the patient (victim) and depositing nanoparticles to "innoculate" them.

Nanoparticles are extremely small, much smaller than a virus and a human cell.  They are engineered, and they have been patented.  The patents describe the whole thing.

Injections and swabs are not the only way to get these things into our bodies.  The patents claim they can be put into anything:  masks, food, animals that we eat, even the air.  These things can be aerosolized.  Your cloth masks are absolutely useless, and the manufactured ones may be tainted.

So, why are they going to so much trouble to do this?  Remember the Georgia Guidestones?  They are trying to kill us.  Worse than that, they are trying to put things into the cells of our bodies so they can remotely control us and put us into an existence that is worse than death.  They plan to use 5G and 6G cellphone towers and transmitters, which will activate the "quantum dots" they have put into our God-created bodies.  These people are absolute psychopaths and are completely insane.  And they are not afraid to openly boast about their plans through movies such as:  The Matrix, Divergent, Oblivion, Jason Bourne, etc., etc., etc...

Most people will probably find the patent documentation and discussion beyond comprehension, but I strongly suggest you try listening to what she says in the bitchute video.  She also has articles at her website, which you can access through Anna's document.  You are bound to learn things, no matter what your technical background is.

The "snake venom" phenomenon and its inherent loss of taste and smell was part of the ploy to get people to take the injections.  This whole thing is many-layered, and is full of deceptions and lies.

...But God the Father knows what's going on.  Get into the Ark. 😉

UPDATE, July 12, 2022...

Corporations are unaccountable monsters.  They are legal fictions.  Imaginary.  They only exist in our minds.

They manifest on paper, in electronic images and descriptions, and as trademarks.  They seem to have substance because they are housed in buildings, behind walls and fences, and many produce physical products that we use and consume.  But it is in our minds where corporations actually reside.

People are physical.  They have physical bodies.  They are also living beings with souls and spirits.  Cows, chickens, pigs, and goldfish are living things, too.  Corporations are not.  They are dead.  They have no substance.  Legislators and courts may have defined corporations as "persons," with the same rights as living people, but that is hogwash.  Just like the edicts that created those "persons," corporations are figments of imagination.  They are not equal to creations from God.

Corporations are unaccountable.  They consist of employees, a top employee (CEO), a board of directors (BOD), and shareholders.  If things go wrong the employees will point at their bosses; the CEO will point at the BOD; and the BOD will claim they are just trying to keep the shareholders happy.  Most shareholders own a few shares of the corporation through mutual funds, pension funds and brokerage accounts, so they don't have a clue what is actually going on.  My mother owns shares in Pfizer and Moderna through a brokerage arrangement her late husband set up, and she can't even tell you what she ate for dinner just two hours ago!  (Sorry, Mom!  Luv ya!!)

Corporations are inhabited by many, many people who just want to make a living.  I worked for a corporation.  There are also a few very, very selfish people who do not have a conscience and who worm their way into the inner workings of corporations and find ways to enrich themselves and gain power.  One way they do that is by acquiring other corporations and businesses, stripping them of useful assets, and then disposing of anything remaining.  That is how they eliminate their competition, and what results are a few huge, global monopolies with interlocking directorates, which means board members sit on the boards of other corporations where they collude and coordinate strategy to dominate the world.  Sounds crazy, but that's what's going on.

It reminds me of the Doomsday Machine Star Trek episode, where a giant machine goes around the galaxy gobbling up planets and star systems.  Knowing some things about Gene Roddenberry, the series creator, that are not necessarily listed in his Wikipedia article, I suspect this is another example of the culture foreshadowing fifty years ago what is happening now.

What is the alternative?  Taking responsibility for ourselves and what we do.  Most people have been lured into incorporating their businesses, but they were not told that doing so would transfer ownership to whoever they were "registering" their business with.  They gave it away by signing on the dotted line.  And for what?  Bankruptcy protection?  Unless someone is doing something highly risky, or unlawful, there is really no need for the option of bankruptcy.  Insurance can cover monetary problems and we should always obey the Public Law.  Most people have been deceived.

As the original post said, it's time to wake up.  Drink more coffee.

All glory to God.

UPDATE, July 15, 2022...

Corporations are hierarchical structures.  The "Peter Principle" observes that people tend to ultimately be promoted into positions of incompetence.  An organization populated with incompetence produces bad products and lousy customer service.  Over my lifetime I have seen great companies and trademarks deteriorate into empty husks or disappear altogether.  Those that remain only feed "the machine."

I have also observed that "scum always rises to the top."  Ruthless people do whatever is necessary to climb the ladder.  They don't care about anybody but themselves.  They are princes of this world, and they unknowingly work for the Prince of this World himself.  I tremble for them.

I am so grateful that God drew me out of that system and did not let me rise to a level of incompetence.  He had me leave my job at the peak of my career, which ultimately led to further job experiences where I could remain competent.

As I have said elsewhere, God uses apprenticeship through the Holy Spirit to do his work, which is a much more effective way to manage people than hierarchical structures.

UPDATE, August 24, 2022...

Pink Floyd produced a song for their 1975 album, Wish You Were Here called "Welcome to the Machine."  The official video is very creepy, and may be another example of evil foreshadowing.  If you go to the Official Pink Floyd YouTube channel, you will need to sign in to prove your age.  There are some pirated versions on YouTube that do not require that, least as long as they stay up and are not removed.

UPDATE, August 31, 2022...

I encourage everyone to pursue these two things with urgency...

1)  Please take time to comprehend what is really going on in the temporal world, meaning the things we can see.  Investigate the real American Government, which has actual authority over all jurisdictions in each of the fifty American states.  You can start by visiting their website at:

7The Michigan Assembly website is new, and seems to be particularly good, in my opinion:

I summarized these things in my Authority post and its updates.

2)  Please seriously consider your faith and your calling.  Read through my featured post, Apprentice of Jesus, and inquire of the LORD what He wants you to do.

Deception is real.  The Darkness has never been this exposed.  These times are perilous.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

UPDATE, October 24, 2022...

5Added this link.

UPDATE, November 3, 2022...

6Added this link.


UPDATE, November 13, 2022...

This video describes how corporations relate to Admiralty Law.  It also explains what Admiralty Law is.

The YouTube channel has some related videos that are very informative.

7Added this sentence and link.


UPDATE, November 17, 2022...

4I recently heard the highest level is actually 99.  Why doesn't that surprise me?  Of course it is.  I discuss this more in my Manifestations post.


Altered footnotes to maintain proper order in the main text.


UPDATE, January 2, 2023...

Updated some of the links to in various places across the entire blog to go through because many of the articles in that second website now contain the article number and the publish date.

Also added the copyright © notice in the footer of the blog.


UPDATE, June 16, 2024...

8 Changed the link to the website of the new Michigan Assembly.  The Assembly existing at the time of the update was dissolved and replaced.

Gentile Teachings

God chose Abram.  He chose Isaac instead of his brother.  He chose Jacob instead of Esau; he hated Esau.

God changed Jacob's name to Israel.  He demonstrated his power by delivering the descendants of Israel from the Egyptians.

God made his expectations known through Moses.  He destroyed nations and made the name of Israel feared.

When the people of Israel rebelled against him, he punished them.  He killed many, but always kept a remnant of faithful Israelites.

Jesus is the King of Israel.

God sent Jesus to save the Israelites from their sins.

Jesus told the Canaanite woman he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  Except for that woman and the Roman Centurion, Jesus exclusively interacted with Israelites.

Israelites wrote all of the works of the Bible.  Paul said they were entrusted with the words of God.

Of the twelve apostles, only Paul was sent to the Gentiles.  He told Gentiles how to become Israelites.

Gentiles took Paul's works and used them to assemble the Bible.  Then they created the Gentile Church, ... and scorned the name of Israel.

The name of God's people is Israel.  He disciplines his people, and many are unfaithful.  But God is always faithful.

Satan is a liar.  He sets up counterfeits.

Many people desire to do what is right and follow God.  They want to believe in Jesus and belong to him.  But many have fallen for counterfeits.

Every Gentile church is a counterfeit.  Each one looks right, but there is something wrong in every single one of them.  That is because they are not Israel.

The name of Israel has God's blessing, and those who are a part of it receive the nourishing sap.  The words and ideas in the Bible are products of that sap, so they are holy.  They have power and authority.

Gentile teachings are not products of the nourishing sap.  They contain lies and half-truths.  They are spiritual dead ends.

What attracts flies?  Death?

Gentile churches and their various manifestations are under constant harassment from the spiritual forces of evil.  They are infiltrated, deceived, and worn down.  It's like a swarm of flies.

Those who are in Israel are alive.  They do not attract flies.

The flies don't even notice they are there.

All glory to God.



  1. Exactly 33 years ago this morning, I got to meet my babies, ... and then I had to say goodbye.  I believe my wife is with them now.
  2. Exactly 13 years later, I gave notice to my employer that I was leaving my career to "follow the Lord."
  3. Today, exactly 20 years after that, I am posting what I believe to be the key message I have been called to proclaim.
  4. I do not believe in coincidences.  This was not planned by me.

UPDATE, November 21, 2023...

Yehoshua confronted the scribes and Pharisees, the "religious professionals" of the time, because they were misleading the people.  We must do the same today.

I have learned to spot certain tells as I evaluate whether specific voices are worth listening to.  Here are a couple of them:

Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”

He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority..."
  (Acts 1:6-7 NIV)

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.  (Ephesians 6:19-20 NIV)

These statements are almost always skipped and ignored.  Similar to the seeds sown on the hardened path, these are seeds not even cast.  This should make us question the "sower," and whether they can be trusted about anything they say.

My INTJ personality has learned to be very efficient at evaluating these things.  Impersonal analysis may be foreign to some people, but someone has to do it or people will be led astray.  This is a big part of my job.

People should simply read the Bible.  Derivative works such as commentaries and workbooks can be helpful, but we must remember that they are works of men, and they can mislead us.

Also, I have observed many people hang on the words of certain pastors, theologians, and famous teachers.  My question is, are we following them or are we following Yehoshua?

Just like the name "Jesus" is a distortion of a transliteration of a transliteration, the messages from Gentile preachers are almost always faulty in some way.


Chemical plants and refineries operate continuously for many months and even years, but eventually they must be shut down for maintenance.  When they are, they are very different places.

Instead of the loud roar of compressors and high pitched whine of pumps, there is relative silence.  The clanging of tools, crackling of welding arcs, and humming of diesel generators fill the air, but it is nothing like the sound of the operating plant.  Lots of things have to happen in a short amount of time, because "time is money."  The system must be emptied out, cleaned out, inspected, repaired, and modified where necessary.  Safety equipment must be checked and refurbished, and known weak points must be replaced with new parts.  Then everything must be buttoned back up and safely refilled with hazardous materials so it can all be restarted.  This typically all takes a number of weeks to accomplish, and requires a lot of planning and preparation.

You can always tell where there is a shutdown happening.  Cranes.

Our bodies apparently need occasional "shutdowns," too.  They are designed for it, but we rarely, if ever, carry them out.  They are called "fasts," and they are a foreign concept to our modern, western culture.

Fasting is not something I ever really considered doing for any lengthy period, but I did write about it as part of a previous post in 2016.  I concluded...

I believe fasting is appropriate when we are specifically called to do so by the Holy Spirit, or we have lost contact with Him, but most of the behaviors promoted by this particular book are not relevant under the New Covenant.

I still agree with that assessment, and the analysis I did in that post.

As I previously discussed, I lost my wife in January, and since then it has basically been just the Holy Spirit and me.  My wife and I had been doing some intermittent fasting, eating about twice a day.  In recent weeks I had decreased that to eating one big meal a day.  I had also started growing out my beard, simply to see what it did.  Eventually things got to the point where the refrigerator was pretty empty, I had used up anything that needed to be used, and I really had no motivation to go to the grocery store.  This was not out of laziness, however.  It was like I was being blocked.

So, I decided to start fasting, to see what it was like.  It was easy because I just did not eat that meal the next day.  Or the next.  Or the next.  The "detox" headaches came first, but I've had those before.  Then I had a couple of days where I had a sore throat.  Then one ear started popping, and a few days later some wax came out.  Lots of interesting things happened, but it all made sense.

I'm not going to go into details, and I am definitely not giving anybody any advice.  I will leave that to those who think it is their job to do.  I am also not going to get into the length of the fast because this is not about boasting.  I just want to convey some of the things that I learned.

...when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.  (Matthew 6:17-18 NIV)

This fast did not start out being "spiritual," but once I was into it I realized it actually was.  My beard was long enough that it masked any gaunt appearance of my face.  Some of my clothing was already baggy, especially my work clothes, and it was really not obvious to anybody what I was doing.  The Holy Spirit had arranged this, but I was still doing it for "health reasons."

Autophagy is the body's mechanism for removing damaged and old cells.  It roughly means "self-devouring."  Being the engineer that I am, I wanted to see how it worked.

The bottom line was, my body found peace.  It was almost like it was saying to me, "Thank you.  Thank you for giving me a break!"  I continued to take my daily walks, mowed the grass, worked in the garden, talked with the neighbors, and walked downtown to see a couple of concerts.  And nobody was the wiser.  At least for a while.

I started keeping track of my weight after I was well into it, because I'm an engineer and I wanted to make sure I understood what was going on.  Staying hydrated was important, and I continued with my use of sea salt to maintain electrolytes.  I got very tired of drinking water.

Later on, I did slow down a lot, and I got weaker.  I started thinking a lot about food, and my stomach would periodically try to remind me that it was boss, but it was not.  This is where the "spiritual" learning started to kick in.  I found myself ignoring my flesh and easily found myself passing much time in spiritual thoughts.  These are things I did not anticipate.

More than midway through the fast I needed to fix my mother breakfast in order to get her to an early appointment where she had to be alert, and I made her fried eggs and toast.  It was not a problem at all.  The next day, I took her grocery shopping, and that wasn't a problem either.  It was amazing.

Not knowing how it would end, I decided if someone wanted to arrange a meal, or some event, I would call it quits.  Soon after, my mother asked me a number of times to take her out to get something to eat, and she also started to quiz me about what I was doing.  I explained it to her and told her it was time to be done.  I had started making unforced errors and my primary responsibility was taking care of her.1 

God desires mercy, not sacrifice.  As I discussed in that other related post, spending time fasting does not show anyone any mercy.  Asceticism doesn't do anyone any good; it's showboating.  It was time to go eat with my mother, although I told her I needed to take things slowly.


I picked the time to end my fast, and I recommenced by starting with chicken broth.  Then I moved to a couple of eggs.  Then, I had a small spoon of raw honey.  I had been craving a peanut butter and Miracle Whip sandwich, which is something I ate as a child, but I had to settle for Mayonaise.  Then I wanted some of the Gatorade I had bought for my mother because she had been dehydrated, and she gladly gave it to me because she doesn't like the stuff.  I asked her for a peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich, which is something our family always ate, and she gladly gave me one.  (I wanted her to remember that I had ended my fast.)  Then I went home and had part of a pastie.  You get the idea.

I took it slowly, but it was amazing how quickly my body realized the "famine" was over.  I've been craving a lot of bread, which is something I typically do not eat, but apparently that's what my body wants.  It doesn't surprise me that Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread.  I can sense that these foods are necessary to recharge my glucose stores in my muscles.2  I'm resting a lot.

This is my second day out of my fast, and I went to the grocery store today.  I was at such peace.  There are some recipes I intend to do, but my primary focus was on getting bread for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and yogurt to repopulate my... you know.  My body is amazing, and it is guiding me about what to do.

God's design is so incredible.  All glory to him!


UPDATES, April 3, 2022...

1Relocated and clarified this sentence.

2The book Body By Science by Doug McGuff has been very useful to me.  It promotes a very sensible method for building muscle mass and includes the scientific background behind it.  You can view a free Internet archive of the book here.

UPDATE, November 6, 2022...

According to these articles in The Epoch Times, fasting and autophagy are natural methods for detoxing from COVID infection and vaccination.  So is exposure to sunlight.

UPDATE, August 11, 2023...

Now that I have reclaimed my birthright political status as a Michiganian, I can actually speak freely.  My unalienable rights are intact and protected by the Bill of Rights of the Constitutions.

U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States are welcome to listen to my opinions and take my advice at their own risk.  We all must learn to self-govern and take responsibility for ourselves.

It has been over two years since my fast, and I feel great.  I go to sleep when it gets dark (although not always to bed right away 😂), and wake up when it starts to get light.  I am naturally eating less and eating when I get hungry.  I have also relaxed some of my dietary practices and moved away from supplements.  I get my nutrition through eating food, as God intends.

Out of curiosity, I weighed myself this morning, the first time since ending my fast.  I have regained 29 pounds and believe I am at my ideal weight.  My "love handles" are gone.  My Sweetie would be proud of me, and maybe even a bit amorous.  Wouldn't that be nice? 💞

In the year or so after my fast, I did strength training five times.  I would like to get back to the gym at some point, but it has not really been important in the big scheme of things.

I am convinced that fasting is an essential part of life and its effects are long-lasting.  Eating the way God intends and getting appropriate amounts of sunlight are also key.  When we do things God's way, we will be rewarded.


Memorial Presbyterian Church, Midland, MI1

It always happens.  Some people decide they don't like what's going on in the church group they are a part of and they leave it to form their own group.  They start out in somebody's home, a motel room, or rent space in a strip-mall, and hold their weekly, one-hour celebrations the way they want.

If things go well, and they attract other participants, someone invariably finds an unused church building and the group scrounges up enough collateral to obtain a loan to buy it.  They go into debt.

Some financially well-off church organizations give credit to God "for what he is doing," and form a committee to explore building a new facility, which will add to the overall supply of single-purpose religious buildings.  They establish a building fund and operate a campaign to encourage their congregants to give generously to "what God is doing."  Then they work with a church construction management business to obtain a loan and execute construction of the brand new facility.  They go into debt.

Of course there will be some people who disagree with all of that, so they will leave, but advertising campaigns and "seeker friendly" programs and sermons attract many others who gladly join in on the excitement and contribute to the cause.  But after the new building has been open for a while, the smell of the new carpet has faded, and the novelty has worn off, the pastoral staff will find itself facing dwindling numbers and tighter budgets, as the debt becomes a larger and larger percentage of the total operating costs.

In all cases, it becomes a business.  Keeping people coming back and writing checks becomes the primary concern.  If the loan goes into default, the bank will take over and sell the property to the next group of motel-worshipers who want a place to call their own.

I know people mean well and intentions are usually good, but none of this is biblical, and none of it has anything to do with following Jesus.  It's about money; its about getting people into debt.  Who is behind all of this?  That should be obvious.  Who is behind everything the Darkness does?

It was a building program that taught me what was going on when we were members of a church.  Most people did not see it, but at the time it disgusted me.  Now it just makes me sad.  It's just another trap the Darkness uses in its exploits to steal and kill and destroy.

In most cases, debt concerning money is linked to sin.  In my opinion, if a group needs to go into debt for "what God is doing," that's a pretty good indication God isn't actually doing anything.  It sounds more like impatience and presumption to me.

When the Israelites came out of Egypt, God arranged for them to plunder the Egyptians (Exodus 3:22; 12:36), and they used that wealth to build the Tabernacle and its furnishings in the Wilderness.  God provided ahead of time for what he was really doing, and it all made sense in hindsight.  That's how God works.

This problem with the church is really only a small part of a much bigger problem.  Paper money is not real money, nor are numbers on a piece of paper or in a computer.  Those things have no inherent value and can be made worthless by simply adding to their supply.  Paper is nothing more than an I.O.U.  It's a promise to pay, but the promise is always broken, by design.  It's a lie.  Our entire financial system is based on semantic deceit and hidden debt.  It's fraud.  Massive fraud.  The system only holds together because people are so distracted by their busy schedules and the pleasures of life that they accept and believe the lies.

Who is the father of lies?

Every time we get paid in paper scrip and use that scrip to supposedly pay our bills, we go deeper into debt. And the people behind the scheme are on the credit side of the ledger2.  They are the ones accumulating the real wealth from the fruits of our labor.  It's not gold and silver they are after.  They buy up real estate and other forms of equity that can be used to produce even more wealth, and ultimately control the world -- literally.  At this point, they own just about everything.  Well, they think they do.  As the saying goes, you can't take it with you when you die.  But they have invented corporations and trusts to maintain control in perpetuity, provided they can keep the masses from figuring out what is going on.  They know if that ever happens, they will be crushed.

...Which is the real reason why there has been so much hatred towards a particular recent President of the United States.

All glory to God.


1I have absolutely no knowledge about the affairs of this particular church, and make no judgments about them.  I am using this photo I took of it because it is a magnificent building in the center of the city where I live.

UPDATE, October 16, 2021...

2As I continue to study these things, I have learned it is exactly the opposite.  Those who create the I.O.U.'s (scrip/fiat "money") are the ones going into debt.  Since we only receive I.O.U's, we are not actually being paid for our efforts and are accumulating vast amounts of credit that we never see, know about, or get to enjoy.  The widely publicized multi-trillion-dollar "National Debt" is actually balanced by an equal "National Credit" that is never mentioned.  As I remember from my college accounting class, credits and debts3 always sum to zero, by definition.  Unless there is chicanery going on...

UPDATE, June 18, 2022...

3A debit is an accounting term that is opposite of a credit.

Webster's New World Dictionary, 1964: "debit ...  adj. relating to debt or debts.  v.t. 1. to charge with a debt."

Black's Law Dictionary, 11th edition, 2019: "debit ... 3. An account balance showing that something remains due to the holder of the account."

That Black's definition sounds like a debt to me.  Seems evasive, like the editor doesn't want people to connect the terms credit and debt, especially when read in context with the other definitions of those two words in that dictionary.

UPDATE, November 17, 2022...

St. John's Lutheran Church, Midland, MI4

Why would a church incorporate?  Why is "non-profit" status necessary?  I have heard it is so people can "deduct" the amounts of donations from income tax paperwork.  As far as I know, things have always been done that way.  My dad did it and I did it.

But I do not have any federal income, so why am I paying federal income taxes?

If I do not owe any federal income taxes, then I don't need to fill out the paperwork and do not need to be concerned about deductions.  Any donations I make should be private and my own business.

By incorporating, an organization moves from the Land/Soil Jurisdiction onto the Jurisdiction of the Sea.  Instead of being able to operate under American Common Law, they must operate under various forms of foreign, civil law that are very complicated and disadvantageous.  Why would they do that when they don't have to?  Why make it a commercial business?

Corporations are ships without the physical ship.  They are governed by Maritime Law.  Employees of corporations are governed by Admiralty Law, and are literally slaves of the "captain" of the "ship," who is the chief executive officer (CEO).  Why would a church want to operate like that?  Is that how Jesus did things?  No.

The Bible describes Jesus' church as a Body and a Bride.  It uses male terms to describe the Godhead:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which Jesus calls "he."  The Church, or Assembly, is described in female terms.  There will be a Wedding, and we are the Bride.

If a woman goes into business and sells herself for money, what do we call that?

I believe those who love Jesus have gotten way off track and are doing unnecessary things for wrong reasons.  I believe we need to rethink what we are doing.

We need to repent.

4I do not know anything about the affairs of this church either.  It is another photo I took of a church building.

Root Cause

Root cause analysis is an important tool for finding out what went wrong.  If you don't pull up the whole root, the problem will just come back.  Process safety managers and engineers use various methods to do root cause analyses.

One of the simplest methods of root cause analysis is known as the "Five Whys."  The person conducting the analysis simply starts by asking why things happened at least five times.  I am going to use that method to examine the possible root cause(s) of my wife's recent death.

(1) Why did my wife die?  Her death certificate states she died from bleeding as a result of the intervention the medical professionals did on her.  (I am not going to go into specifics.)

(2) Why were they doing an intervention?  Her death certificate states she had an acute circulatory catastrophe, which caused her to pass out at the grocery store.

(3) Why did that catastrophic event occur?  Her death certificate states she had a deformity in her circulatory system.  I believe this is a presumption because there was no testing or imaging done prior to the event, although I am sure the surgeon could tell what had gone on.

This is as far as the death certificate goes and I did not want them to do an autopsy.

Continuing with the "whys"...

(4) Why was there a deformity or weakness in her circulatory system?  Only God knows, but she had chronic inflammation for a long time.  That was diagnosed by an immunologist.  Had the medical professionals looked into her records, they would have known that.

(5) Why did she have inflammation?  This is the key question, in my opinion, and one the medical community never pursued.  They harped about cholesterol and blood pressure, although her numbers were not bad.  Those are symptoms of inflammation, but they have been labelled as discrete medical conditions:  hyperlipidemia and hypertension.  Through our own research we learned that the official advice for addressing those issues only leads to worsening of those "conditions," so we found our own paths to improving our health, often by going in exactly the opposite direction.  For example, we did the Whole 30 diet for a month.  It made big improvements in our health and allowed us to learn what foods were, and were not, causing problems for each of us.

But despite all of our efforts, her inflammation remained and I couldn't figure out why.

Then, two months after she died, I learned she was deficient in vitamin D.  I did an entire post on that and I encourage you to read it here.  That realization explained everything.

(6) Why was she deficient in vitamin D?  Because she never went in the sun.

(7) Why did she not go in the sun?  Because she followed the advice she was given by those she trusted.  For example, this photo was recently shared on Facebook by my Michigan state senator.

(8) Why do people parrot that advice?  Because they believe those who seem to be in authority.

(9) Why would the authorities give bad advice?  That's a very important question, and one people need to pursue on their own.  That's because they wouldn't believe it if they were told.

When we understand the "big picture," everything makes sense.

All glory to God.



UPDATE, September 3, 2022...

A friend of mine just completed some work in another country to help girls prepare for life and not be vulnerable to potential abuse.  It seemed to be very successful and fun, and addressed some important issues.

I know absolutely nothing about the culture of that country, and am pleased things are being done to make people's lives better.  That is what God wants.  When we see an opportunity to do good, we are called to do it.

As an engineer, I immediately analyze things and try to fix problems.  I look forward to debriefing my friend when they are back to see if there are ways I can help.  I think some root-cause analysis of the situation would be fascinating to do, and am looking forward to perhaps giving it a try.  It's what I do.

This is so much fun!!

UPDATE, January 2, 2025...

This video discusses how blue light is bad for our health.  It correlates with many of my wife's infirmities.  There is something here that needs more consideration and contemplation.  The video is very fast-paced and quite technical.

I still have the digital alarm clock my wife had when we first met.  The digits are red.  Many things manufactured for night-time use these days have blue or green light, and I know that is a problem.  Crooks have been making us sick by the products they sell us.

The root cause:  crooks

We can fix this by understanding the Truth.


Muhammad Ali made the term rope-a-dope famous in his 1974 bout with George Foreman.  Ali leaned against the ropes to absorb Foreman's punches to wear him out.  The fight was a draw, but Ali was ahead when it was stopped.

I am not a boxing fan, and I believe a lot of it is theater, but I think there is a lesson here.  God tests us by allowing the Darkness to lure us into traps, and I think this is one of them.

Many Christians expend their efforts, resources and lives pursuing a relationship with God.  They develop ministries, start churches, go on missions, and some even follow Luke 10 and heal the sick, cast out demons and preach the good news, as Yeshua taught.  I am not criticizing any of that; I am not the judge of someone else's servants.  But those things all take energy, and like Foreman's many punches, they may not be as effective as we might think.

The Darkness will let us be effective at things that really don't matter.  It will allow us to have successes so we might become proud and eventually fall.  If we fall, the world will blaspheme the One whom we claim to represent, and we may become discouraged enough that we lose faith, which is the Enemy's ultimate goal.

Jesus said...

Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.  Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.  (Luke 6:22-23 NIV)

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.  (Matthew 5:10-12 NIV)

Truly I tell you, ... no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.  (Mark 10:29-31 NIV)

I am content to be "last."  I am content to hopefully be allowed to clean toilets in the Kingdom of Heaven.  I just want to get there, and I am terrified of being left out.  I am also terrified for most people around me, who don't seem to understand me, and who do not seem to hear what I am saying.  I don't want to see anyone perish, nor does God (2 Peter 3:9).

The writer of Hebrews summarized his list of faithful people in these ways...

All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them...

These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.
  (Hebrews 11:13-16,39-40 NIV)

I believe one of the reasons God had me live part of my life in Britain was so I would learn what it is like to live as a foreigner.  I feel like a foreigner where I live now, in my own hometown.  I hope that means I fall into the category, above.

I have been shunned and persecuted from the time I learned the importance of identifying as an Israelite.  I have shouted that from the rooftops ever since it was whispered into my ear, and nobody seems to hear me.  I intend to continue to do so, as long as God gives me strength.  That's because I believe that message gives us the authority we need to deliver the knockout punch.

All glory to God.

UPDATE, December 27, 2022...

... I have often since observed how incongruous and irrational the common response of mankind is, especially of youth, to that reason which ought to guide them in such cases, namely, that they are not ashamed to sin and yet are ashamed1 to repent; not ashamed of the action for which they ought justly to be esteemed fools, but are ashamed of the returning that only can make them be esteemed as wise men. 

(Daniel Defoe, ROBINSON CRUSOE, copyright © 1997 by Joseph L. Wheeler and Focus on the Family, page13)


Why do we do these things?

I think the answer is pride.

I think this is why we are exhorted to humble ourselves, critically examine ourselves, and submit ourselves to God that he might show us our faults...

... so that we might repent.

UPDATE, May 27, 2023...

1 See my discussion about shame at the beginning of my Shulamite post.



My family and I enjoyed taking canal boat holidays (vacations) when we lived in Britain.  The scenery was often beautiful, the pace was slow, and we especially liked the anticipation of what was around the next bend.

My wife took this photograph of me easing the narrowboat into a lock just before we moved back to the States.  Notice the name of the boat?  I don't believe in coincidences.  Not anymore.

Noah built a large boat because he believed God, and I am sure his neighbors thought he was crazy.  They eventually learned the hard way that he was not.  Noah saved his family with that boat, and became God's 'reboot' of the world.

It grieves me to see so many people ignore the clear warnings in the Bible.  They seem to spend most of their time reveling in the parts they like, judging others for not following the rules, and ignoring what Yeshua commanded us to do.


Only eight people survived the Flood.  It happened.  About 71% of the world's surface is covered by water.  That's quite a flood!  There is clear evidence of continental drift, and the size and location of each of the Hawaiian Islands implies the drift was very fast at first and then slowed way down.  That makes sense if the earth is young (about 6000 years), and there is a lot of evidence supporting that.  There are also logical explanations for the very old ages of the things we can see in the night sky with telescopes.  A very young earth and very old quasars is not a contradiction, especially when the Bible says God "stretched out the heavens."  Do some research on black holes, white holes, and what happens at event horizons.

My gorgeous wife at Florissant Fossil Beds Nat'l Monument

Fossilization must happen quickly before the animal or plant decays.  Mineralization requires water saturated with minerals to transport those minerals into the pores of a specimen.  That cannot happen to a skeleton on top of the ground exposed to the air.  Leaves wither and dry up in a few days.  Trees and stumps decay in a few short years.  Animals and plants must be quickly covered with water and sediment in order to be fossilized.  That is only going to happen in a flood.

There are fossilized redwood tree stumps at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, just west of Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Those stumps, by definition, had to be at ground level when they were fossilized.  Assuming my assertions are true that Noah's Flood formed all fossils, it follows that the ground under those stumps was the actual ground level at that location before the Flood.  The elevation of Florissant is 8169 feet.  How did they get so high above Flood level, which was logically around the present day sea level?

Museums and establishment science talk about a "fossil record" as if the various layers of sediment happened over a very long period of time.  But most of those layers are very homogeneous, which means they had to form in minutes, not eons.  If you ever come across a place where there has been a flood and substantial sediment has deposited, try cutting down through that sediment with a shovel.  I think you will find the same layering phenomenon that is in the following picture of a mountain, only on a much smaller scale.

The layers of sedimentary and metamorphic rock we see in mountains and outcroppings around the world had to occur quickly, and had to be formed by moving water.  There are many examples of homogeneous layers of sediment containing isolated rocks and rubble.  As an engineer who has done a lot of fluid flow observations and calculations, I can tell you that those large items had to have been transported there by fast moving water.

Grand Canyon outlet (Google Earth)
Years ago, I was at Higgins Lake in central Michigan, which is fed by springs.  Since I am a child at heart, I dammed up one of those small springs with sand on the beach until it formed a small reservoir.  When I was done, I broke the dam and watched all of the water flow out.  What resulted looked like a miniature Grand Canyon.  I am convinced most canyons around the world were formed as the land rose in response to the catastrophic Flood, probably during the time of Peleg.

Two sons were born to Eber:

One was named Peleg,[g] because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

[g] Peleg means division.
  (1 Chronicles 1:19 NIV)

Revisiting the question raised above about the current elevation of the Florissant redwood stumps, it is logical the mountains rose as the continents drifted and collided with other tectonic plates in the days of Peleg.  That is the explanation from establishment science, the only difference being the timing and presumed cause of those events.  This also explains how the layers of flood-deposited sedimentary rock ended up as metamorphic rock and at the top of mountains, like in the picture above.

What was the population of the earth before the Flood?  The Bible doesn't say, but it does say that people lived for a very long time back then, much longer than they do today.  Given how long people lived then, the number of generations between the Creation and the Flood, and man's capabilities for producing offspring, the number of people was probably very substantial.  And out of all of those people, only eight survived the Flood.  Those are not good odds.


After the earth repopulated, and the people were dispersed because of what they were doing at Babel, God picked one man, Abram, to have a relationship with Him.  One man.  Those are not good odds.

Abraham's nephew, Lot, lived in Sodom.  He was warned to get his family out and flee the city.  Only his wife and two daughters went with him.  His wife did not survive the journey.  Out of all the people who lived in the Jordan valley, only three people survived.  Those are not good odds.


When Jacob's descendants went to Egypt, they became slaves, but God made them prosper.  Eventually, God brought them out by judging Egypt and its gods with the Ten Plagues.  He then "baptized" all of the Israelites (Jacob's descendants) by opening up the Red Sea so they could walk through and escape from the Egyptians.  Eventually God led them to Mount Horeb.  Those things happened.  They did not happen where tradition says they did, but using the Internet and tools like Google Earth we can learn where those events actually took place.  It's quite fun to do.

The Bible says 603,550 men over the age of 19 were in the wilderness after the exodus from Egypt (Numbers 1:45).  It also says 22,000 Levite males from the age of one month and up were there (Numbers 3:39).  Women were not counted, so assuming there were about the same number of them, there were well over a million people with Moses in the desert.  Let's assume it was 1.2 million.  That's about the population of Dallas, Texas.

After the Israelites scouted the Promised Land and gave a bad report, God punished them by making the entire community wander in the wilderness for forty years, until all of those who had rebelled perished (Numbers 14:22-23; 28-30).  Only Caleb and Joshua got to enter the Promised Land.  Even Moses was not allowed to enter (Numbers 20:10-12).  That's because he hit the rock instead of speaking to it.  That's pretty strict, especially considering everything Moses did throughout his life following God.  One sin is enough to keep us out of where we want to be.

So, out of the 1.2 million people who came through the Red Sea, only two men got to enter the Promised Land.  That's only 0.00017%.  I presume they got to take their wives and children with them, so the number would likely be a bit higher, but it is still well below 1%.  Those are not good odds.

When Assyria and Babylon took Israel and Judah captive, respectively, they left essentially no Jews in either place (2 Kings 17;25).  What was the entire population of Israel and Judah before the exile?  The Bible doesn't say.  It does say 42,360 returned from Babylon after many years, when God intervened in the hearts of the rulers of the places the Jews had been taken.  Assuming the combined populations of Israel and Judah had been two million, which is probably a gross understatement (the number of Jews in the state of Israel today is nearly 7 million), the the number of returned exiles was only 2%.  Those are not good odds.


The Bible gives a New Testament example of the sternness of God.  Ananias and Sapphira.  They lied to the Holy Spirit and held back money.  They each dropped dead.  This caused great fear among the believers who heard about it.


These things all frighten me.  I believe they illustrate what Jesus was talking about when He said...

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.  (Matthew 7:13-14 NIV)

I discussed that in a previous post.

We need to get into the Ark.  That "ark" is Yeshua.  The Bible tells us how to do it.  God promised Noah He would not destroy the earth again with a flood (Genesis 9:11), but other parts of the Bible say He will eventually destroy it by other means.  Our neighbors, friends and family will laugh at us like Noah's neighbors probably laughed at him.  We must stand firm, get into the boat, and bring along anyone we can convince that a storm is coming.


All glory to God.



UPDATE, September 4, 2022...

One of my older daughter's high school classmates went into the Peace Corps soon after they graduated.  She stayed with us in our home when she was back in Midland because her family had moved away.  She gave us this "peace dove" stained-glass decoration when she left.  My wife loves stained glass.  It has been hanging in our front window ever since.

I recently realized this symbol is not about "peace."  It is about redemption; it is about the end of an ordeal; it is about the biblical account of Noah's Flood. 

And the dove came back to him in the evening, and behold, in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf. So Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth.  (Genesis 8:11 ESV)

Shortly after we moved into the home I am in now, my wife saw these gothic arches at one of the local big-box stores.  We purchased some and I attached them to our house.  Over the years I have noticed it makes our place look like a church.  I don't believe in coincidences.  Not anymore.

UPDATE, November 3, 2022...

This video is about the archeological remains of Noah's Ark in Turkey...

This particular evangelist preaches about hell to unbelievers.  I am not the judge of someone else's servant, but I don't do that.  I don't do it because Jesus did not do it.

Jesus talked about hell when he was speaking to his guys, but he did not mention it to the crowds.  He spoke in parables to the crowds.  He did, however, warn the religious professionals about hell.  They needed to hear that message.

Jesus told stories and used metaphors when he spoke to general audiences, and he waited for the Holy Spirit to draw specific people to him.  He knew he could share more information with the people his Father was sending him.  That is what I try to do.  I have been learning techniques to discern who is receptive, and then I work with them as the Spirit leads.

Jesus healed the sick and performed miracles to get people's attention and to demonstrate his authority.  He did not preach about damnation on street corners and hand out Gospel tracts.  Those are things I see people doing today, but I don't think they are very effective.  For the most part, I think they are just preaching to the converted and angering those who need to hear the message.  I think they are driving away and hardening those they are actually trying to reach.

At best this kind of behavior may be due to impatience on the part of the aspiring evangelist, and at worst it might be a form of usurpation and counterfeit discipleship by the Darkness.

I do like this guy and what he says, but I already understand and embrace his message.  I am one of "the converted."

I left "preaching hell" and handing out tracts behind years ago.  It doesn't really fit my personality anyway, and I know it is not my job.  I included the video here because I think the presentation of information about Noah's Ark is top notch.