
In my previous post, I said that I am going to talk about some difficult subjects.  This first one is mainly directed at men.

The Darkness has done everything it can to shame men into not being men.  This has done a lot to destroy lives, marriages and society.  It has to stop.

The Darkness has driven most people into cities, and most people are not familiar with livestock.  God designed us to live among animals, and He intends for us to learn from them.

My wife and I recently had an opportunity to experience chickens, and we were very amused.  Hearing the rooster crow at first light was fun.  It was very natural, and it prepared us for the day.

The rooster guarded his flock of five hens with jealousy.  We knew not to get too close to him because his spurs were impressive.  He frequently announced to the neighborhood that he was in charge by loudly crowing, "Cock a doodle dooooooo".  He strutted while his hens pecked at bugs and stones.  Occasionally, he joined their activity when no obvious threats were around.

The hens made their own noises and generally stuck together, although at one point a certain hen made herself scarce from the others.  Eventually, she squawked a particularly strange noise, and the rooster darted right at her and had his way with her.  She didn't seem to mind.  I guess that's where the phrase 'the birds and the bees' comes from.  As a 'city boy', how would I know?!


In our current society, the 'hens' seem to run the show.  You know what I mean.  This is not what God intends.  It is not biblical.  As men, we need to be like the roosters, at least when it comes to leading society.  God made us bigger and stronger than women.  There's a reason for that.  He also made our voices deeper, so we can command respect.  He created Adam first, and put him in charge.  We need to be in charge, too.

So get out there, 'roosters'!  Strut.  Crow.  Defend.  Drive the agenda.  Let the 'hens' cluck among themselves while you brandish your spurs at the enemy.  This is what God expects.

No excuses.

All glory to God.