As I wrote previously, I need to discuss some difficult subjects. Please pray for discernment. True worshipers are those who worship in Spirit and in truth.
The Darkness manifests in many ways around the world, and an apprentice of Jesus must recognize these things. I alluded to this in Critical Thinking, but will be more direct here.
What is the obelisk in the picture, above? Whose name is on it?
Where does it sit? Who can see it? Why is it always prominent in government photos and news programs? Does it represent Washington, D.C., or does it represent something else?
How is it associated with stone-layers? Are they an hierarchical organization? Did the obelisk's namesake hold the highest possible rank in that organization?
Many people in Hollywood are part of what group? Is that group related to the stone-layers? Since when? How are these things related to the founding documents of the USA and the various wars of the past three centuries?
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How many of these groups are there? Are some "worse" than others? Are they connected? How are they connected, spiritually? Do the members at the lower levels know what goes on at higher levels?
How are members controlled? What is blackmail? What is a slave to sin?
Who is the "god of this world"?
How can we be set free?
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Is debt sin? What does sin lead to?
Were we born into this system? Were our parents? Our grandparents? How long has this been going on?
How much is a human being worth? What determines the price? Demand? Demand for what? Labor? Votes? Equity? Utility? Components?
It's all about the money. Always.
Symbolism is everywhere. It betrays the extent of the corruption. Open your eyes and you will see.
It's even on the money.
The landscaping of the Capitol1 is shaped like an owl. An owl is a symbol of the Darkness.
What is a group of owls called? Look it up.
The stone-layers have many symbols. Twin pillars is one of them. You can investigate for yourself what it means.
See a resemblance? How many years did the towers stand, and how does that relate to the stone-layers? How do their dimensions relate to the pillars of Solomon's Temple? I discussed this more in
Critical Thinking.
Can you see how this all relates to Burned Toast?
All glory to God.
UPDATE, July 31, 2022...
1The word "Capitol" has Roman origins. The on-line Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes the difference between 'Capitol' and 'capital', but it does not mention the Roman connection. My ©1964 Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language provides more information...
Capitol, noun [Middle English & Old French capitolie; Latin Capitolium, temple of Jupiter in Rome, derived from caput, the head]
1. the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill in Rome.
2. the hill itself.
3. the building in which the United States Congress meets, at Washington, D. C.
4. [usually c-], the building in which a State legislature meets.
The very next word in my ©1964 dictionary is...
Capitoline, noun one of the seven hills on which Rome was built. adjective 1. of this hill. 2. of the temple of Jupiter which stood there.
Are those behind the current, on-line reference trying to obfuscate the Roman connection? Why would they do that?
UPDATE, August 22, 2022...
We were born into enemy territory and Satan runs the world.
And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. ..." (Luke 10:18 ESV)
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” (Matthew 4:8-9 ESV)
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. The LORD said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” (Job 1:6-7 ESV)
And we all belong to Satan...
“There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”
“Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit.”
“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”
“Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”
“Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know.”
“There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (Romans 3:10-18 NIV)
... until we get on "the Ark."
A pillar is a phallic symbol. It is a symbol of ownership and dominion. Repetition is a form of emphasis; twin pillars are more than a single pillar. The pillars of Solomon's Temple symbolized dominion; they were built by
Phoneticians -- peoples of the Land who should have been destroyed. It was a
Phonetician temple.
This is why I hated the towers and asked what I did in Spirit of Elisha.
I highly, highly recommend you read
Svali's confessions about her role as an Illuminati programmer. I pointed to it in my
Deprogramming post. They are a tough read, and you will grieve as you realize it is all true, but I believe it is important to understand these things in order to make sense of what is actually going on in the world.
Like many things in the Media, Star Trek is Illuminati propaganda. The colors of the uniforms, the structure of their organization, and many of the story lines are right out of the Illuminati playbook. If you read Svali's story, you will understand.
UPDATE, November 17, 2022...
Freemasonry is a related secret society and many people are a part of it. Some of my relatives were/are Freemasons. My dad's father was one and I had some of his paraphernalia at one time.
People join Freemasonry for noble reasons, and it is much like joining a college fraternity or service organization. There are benefits to joining, such as camaraderie, mutual business support, and status, but most people do not know the dark secrets of the organization until they have advanced enough. By then it is too late to back out.
Freemasons tell each other their secrets are secret. They are deceived. God the Father knows everything.
...there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. (Luke 8:17 NIV)
It is all simple idolatry. Like most things in this world, it is sin. Sin leads to
Those who are a part of Freemasonry have been told they will suffer terrible loss and cruel death if they betray their Freemason brothers. I'm sure it is very frightening, and the threats are very real. But there is a way out....
Jesus Christ. The real one.
If there is true repentance, there can be forgiveness. This is good news! Anyone who is a part of Freemasonry and wants to get out can get out, but they must leave Freemasonry behind and commit their lives to Yeshua. That means repentance, baptism in water, and baptism in the Holy Spirit. This is the only way to truly be set free.
If anyone finds themself caught in a situation like this, and they truly want out, I would love to talk with them. I will not condemn. I will pray for healing, deliverance, and salvation. That is a promise.
...and it is not a secret.
UPDATE, January 26, 2023...
This document is worth reading. You can get to it through AVR # 2055.
UPDATE, June 16, 2024...
From Anna Von Reitz Article #4890, International Public Notice: We've Been Swindled, June 15, 2024...
Some people are having a hard time cutting through the "nice language" of law and custom, so let's just put it bluntly and in the common vernacular: we've been swindled.
And it's not just the Americans.
More than half the world has been subjected using the same corporate government scheme, which has been brought to us by The British Pilgrim's Society, the Bar Associations, the Secret Elite Society created by Cecil Rhodes and his cohorts, and the Committee of 300 using their storefront organization, the Club of Rome.
When each one of us wakes up and realizes that something is terribly wrong, we have ALREADY been trafficked via the birth registration process. We have been conveyed from the land jurisdiction and into the international jurisdiction of the sea by legal process.
That means that we have no access to "the Law of the Land" until or unless we return to the land jurisdiction under our own power.
For Brits, it means that you don't live under a Constitutional Monarchy, but under a Territorial Military Regime calling itself a "democracy" instead.
Same thing throughout the former Commonwealth, the seventeen European countries still occupied since the Second World War, and every other country that has been overtaken by corporations "acting as" Territorial and/or Municipal Governments.
For Americans, it means the Constitutions are overthrown and you live in a country "occupied" by an unlawfully converted military power also calling itself a democracy.
This is how the British Schemers evaded their obligations under the Constitutions. This is how they subjected Americans to their foreign Law of the Sea. This is how they gained coercive power.
Using paper and deceit, they created British Territorial citizenship contracts and foisted them off on unsuspecting new mothers and babies in their cradles. This created millions upon millions of brand new British Territorial "Citizens" on paper, that they used and abused according to their old Colonial system under force and color of law.
These are criminal offenses rated as capital crimes under both the Geneva and Hague Conventions. They amount to political genocide on paper.
This is a Swindle so big that it has required extraordinary effort to track it down to the heart of the spiderweb, and not only discern the nature and mechanisms of the fraud, but the source of it.
For many years the collusion of the Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations unjustly enriched the Schemers, their Corporations and the Roman Catholic Church.
The welter of secret societies and organizations acting as boots on the ground and as storefronts for this gigantic Fraud Scheme has been a web within a web.
Let us name a few: the Freemasons, the International Jewish Congress aka Zionists, the Ashkenazi ("Nazi") Jews, the Illuminati, the Secret Elite (British), the Jesuits, the Black Nobility, the Order of the Garter, the Committee of 300 (heirs of the British East India Company), the Club of Rome (offshoot foot soldiers of the Committee of 300), the Bar Associations worldwide, the United Nations Organization, the French Foreign Legion, the Sicilian Mafia, the Japanese Yakuza, the Israeli Mossad, the Central Intelligence Agency, the endlessly misdirected Federal Bureau of Investigation (which is supposed to be domestic), the Internal Revenue Service (worldwide), the Social Security Administration, the Federal Reserve (worldwide), the Swiss Octagon Group, the World Bank, the Islamic Brotherhood, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, the Teamsters, the Fabian Society, WIPO, and many more--- a list which includes outright terrorist organizations like Hamas and Isis.
Some of the names on this list will be unfamiliar and others will be shocking in that you never thought of them as "secret societies" -- nonetheless, on our long trip down the rabbit hole, all these organizations qualify as secret societies. All of them have secret associations and roles that have nothing to do with their public personas. And most of them are connected in one giant ball of criminal wax, created by an illegal system of interlocking trust directorates.
Interlocking trust directorates are illegal because they support monopolies and monopolistic influence.
Occasionally all these organizations fight against each other, but most of the time it is more profitable for them to act in collusion, so that's what they do. They collude against the Public Interest for Private Benefit.
The relative disruption that you are seeing in the world is because these clandestine roles and relationships have been found out and pressure is coming to bear on these organizations as they fight among themselves, looking for Fall Guys, and finding that elements of the British Plan have failed.
It will not be so easy to redefine the sleeping people of the world as Genetically Modified Organisms and "Transhumans" -- that is, as slaves of the patentholders having no rights at all, not even the right to live.
It will not be so easy to pull the insurance fraud scheme related to "Life Force Value Annuities" and the phony Pandemic and forced Immigration across our Southern Border, either.
You can read the full article here.
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