Holy Spirit

Grace and peace to everyone!

To my fellow Israelites, I encourage you to pray in the Spirit for all kinds of things, both known and unknown!  Do it as often as you can!

Just as water flows from a well when the lever is pumped, so the Holy Spirit flows when we actively make ourselves available to Him.  When we pray in the Spirit, the Father uses our lips and our groans to proclaim His will.  Though we do not understand the languages we speak, our Father forms our words into mysterious prayers authorizing amazing events to propel His Plan forward.

Men, submit yourselves to Yeshua, your King and Commander in Chief.  You are under His Authority.  Be the warriors He has prepared you all to be!

Women, respect the men around you, who have been placed in authority over you and your households.  Help them, comfort them and supply for their needs.  Pray in the Spirit unceasingly to support and augment the work of your husbands and fathers and brothers.

To my fellow Apprentices of Jesus (Yeshua), equip yourselves for work.  Make sure your tool bag is around your waist, and fill it with tools the Master gives you for your jobs.  Align yourself with His Kingdom, Israel, the only kingdom that will survive.

To those who are uncertain about these things, but want to learn more, ask the Lord of the Harvest to teach you what He wants you to know, and to bring you into His Barn.  Do not be afraid.  The Darkness wants you to doubt, but the Darkness is already defeated and only tells lies.

The Holy Spirit manifests in amazing ways, but the world does not understand.  As an engineer, I made my living in practical ways, and it is astounding that I accept and have any understanding of these things, but by God's grace it is so!  As I humble myself like a child, I clearly see that we all live in an incredible Creation.

My friends, watch this video.  Strange languages are spoken, but do not be afraid.  This is what apprentices of Jesus are called to do!...

The entire video is a great example of many things:
  • Conviction.
  • Miracles.
  • Repentance.
  • Sharing the good news about Jesus, and what He has done.
  • Immersion (baptism) in water.
  • Deliverance from dark spirits.
  • Immersion (baptism) in the Holy Spirit.
  • Speaking and praying in an unknown language ('tongues').
  • Evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in a person.
  • Freedom.
  • Healing the sick.
Study it closely and see if you can spot all of those things.

Notice at the end of the video, the woman successfully healed the young man after she "prayed in tongues" silently in her head.  Nothing happened until she did that.  Healings don't always happen that way, but this example shows how utilizing that spiritual tool can produce results.  When we pray in our unknown language, God intercedes for us and gives us the words necessary to accomplish the task.  That way He gets all of the glory!

Sometimes I need to understand things before I can believe.  In a previous post, (S.W.A.T. (Spiritual Weapons and Tactics)), I concluded speaking in a strange language is good and consistent with the Bible.  You may find that discussion helpful.

All glory to God!