Critical Thinking

Bust of Socrates in the Vatican (public domain)

The Greek philosopher Socrates taught students by asking them questions, and some law schools use the Socratic Method to teach their students.  It develops critical thinking, reasoning and logic.  You can read about it here.

About a year ago, I desired a way to discuss spiritual topics without "preaching" and being annoying, and I realized I needed to learn to ask questions.  I had done that once with someone who had very different political views from mine, and the conversation was quite civil.

Within a few days of having those thoughts, I found1 the qmap website [dead link]2, which aggregates postings from a particular person claiming to have insider knowledge from the Trump Administration.  I will leave it to my readers to decide whether or not that information is reliable; it is not the topic of this post.  I bring it up here because that poster used the Socratic Method, and I found the question-asking technique very compelling.  It was also an answer to prayer, and I began using the method myself.  (Whether I am doing it right, or not, will be for others to decide.  I am always open to coaching!)

Over the years, I noticed many things in the Bible and wanted to discuss them with others, but I generally found most people needed "milk" rather than "solid food".  I remained silent about those subjects on this blog, until now.

This post is an effort to broach some of those topics and to get my readers to think critically about them.  Please consider this a friendly challenge and ponder the questions I have posed, below.  You may discover some very interesting things...

Was Moses Tricked?

Who brought up the idea of settling some of the tribes on the east side of the Jordan?
Did those tribes help conquer the land on the west side of the Jordan?
Did those tribes stay on the west side?
For how long?
Did the Israelites succeed in driving out the peoples of the Promised Land?
Why did God want them driven out?
How did God want the Israelites to treat the inhabitants of the Land?
How did the Israelites actually treat them?
Were there enough Israelites to properly do the job?

Why were the peoples of the Land a risk to the Israelites?
What did the Israelites end up doing?
Did they worship and serve the gods of the peoples of the Land?
What did God think about that?
How were the people living under the Judges affected?
How was David's kingdom affected?
How was Solomon's kingdom affected?
Why was the kingdom split?
Why were Israel and Judah defeated?
Why did the Israelites go into exile?
Why do the natural-born Israelites remain scattered to this day?

Was Moses disobedient?
Was he tricked?
By whom?
What might have happened if Moses had refused to let any tribes settle on the east side of the Jordan?
What does this teach us?
Have we fallen for similar tricks?

Solomon's Temple

Who designed the Tabernacle?
Were there instructions for building the Tabernacle?
Do we have those instructions?
How detailed were those instructions?
Who built the Tabernacle and its related items?
Who led the building and fabrication of those things?
How do we know the Tabernacle was built to those instructions?
How much detail do we have about the assembly of the Tabernacle and its related items?
Was the Tabernacle God's idea?

Whose idea was it to build the Temple?
Was David instructed to build the Temple?
Was Solomon instructed to build the Temple?
Who designed the Temple?
Were there instructions for building the Temple?
Who received those instructions?
Do we have those instructions?
Who actually constructed the Temple?
Who led the construction of the Temple?
Was the Temple fit for its purpose?
Did the Ark of the Covenant and its poles fit?
How do we know?
Was the Ark the most important component?
Why did the designers not take its dimensions into consideration?
Were they not Jews?
Was the Temple designed and built by the peoples of the Land?
Why were they still around?

Did the Temple have two pillars?
What was the height of each pillar?
What was the diameter of each pillar?
What was the aspect-ratio of each pillar (height divided by diameter)?

What was the aspect-ratio of each World Trade Center tower in New York City?
(The twin towers that were destroyed in 2001.)
Are the aspect-ratios the same or different?

Who built the Twin Towers?
Were they patterned after Solomon's Temple?

How many years did the Twin Towers stand?
Who was behind the building of Solomon's Temple?
Who was really behind the building of Solomon's Temple?
Who was behind the building of the Twin Towers?
Who was really behind the building of the Twin Towers?

The more you know...


Did Jesus go to church?
Did his disciples go to church?
Where did Jesus teach?
Where did the early believers meet?
Who spoke in those meetings?

Does the Bible give instructions for building a church?
Does it give instructions for the design of a church building?
Why do church buildings have a spire, steeple or bell-tower?
Do those things appear to be pillars?
What did God say to the Israelites about pillars through the Law of Moses?
What does a pillar signify?
Who erects pillars?
Who really erects pillars?

Were apostleship, prophecy, evangelism, pastoring and teaching part of the early Church?
Are all of those things part of the Church today?
Did some of those things end with the Apostles?
Does the Bible say that?
Who says that?
Who really says that?

How many churches were in the city of Ephesus, according to the book of Revelation?
How many churches were in each of the other six cities?
How many denominations?
Was the "Church of Ephesus" the collection of believers who lived in the city of Ephesus?
Does the Bible talk about denominations?
Why do we have different denominations today?
Is that what God wants?

What is a seminary?
Why do people go to a seminary?
What is a pastor?
What does the word 'pastor' mean?
What is the purpose of a church?
What is the real purpose of a church?
To control?
Control who?

The more you know...

The Jews

Was Jesus a Jew?
Is Jesus a Jew?
Were the disciples of Jesus Jews?
All of them?
Who are natural-born Jews?
Who are grafted-in Jews?
What does the Bible say about genealogies?
Old Testament versus New Testament?

Who are Shem, Ham and Japheth?
Who is Abraham?
Which of the three does Abraham descend from?
Who is Ashkenaz?
Which does Ashkenaz descend from?
Are they of the same line?

Where did the Ashkenazi Jews live?
Did they adopt Judaism?
Who are modern-day Ashkenazi Jews?
Did their Wikipedia pages claim they were Ashkenazi Jews?
Do their Wikipedia pages claim that now?
Why the change?
Who changed this?
Why did they do that?
Who controls Wikipedia?
Who really controls Wikipedia?
What do you notice about the Ashkenazi name?
Where have we seen that before?

Who is excluded from Israel?
Who can join Israel?
Why does this matter?

If something claims to be a duck, but doesn't walk like a duck or quack like a duck, do you think it is really a duck?

Who are God's people?
Who will God use to bless all of the peoples of the world?
Who opposes God?
Who tries to separate people from God?
What is a usurper?
Can a usurper harm a reputation?
How might they do that?
Would you want to be part of a group that had a bad reputation?
What if belonging to that group would give you life instead of death?
Has an enemy done this?

Be careful who you follow...


Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?

Jeffrey Epstein's Island
18°17'53.47"N, 64°49'41.38"W [Copy/paste search in Google Earth Pro]

Noah's Ark?

39°26'26.44"N, 44°14'5.57"E -- Ark?










Red Sea crossing point - destination side?
29° 1'38.16"N, 34°50'51.50"E -- Red Sea crossing point?3










Elim, 12 springs?
28°34'9.73"N, 34°50'0.38"E -- Elim?  Exodus 15:27.







The real "Mt. Sinai?"
28°39'17.65"N, 35°18'17.59"E -- Mount Horeb (Sinai)?







Encampment?  Golden Calf altar?
28°34'52.78"N, 35°23'46.06"E -- Encampment?








Water from the rock?

28°43'24.03"N, 35°14'20.17"E -- Rock of Horeb?







Check out this website...


How many days are there in a week?
On what day of the second month did the Flood begin?
On what day of the seventh month did the Ark come to rest on the mountains of Ararat?
How many months elapsed between those two events?
How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness?
Do numbers have power?
Yes?  No?
Define 'gematria'.
What was the first commandment Moses received on Mt. Horeb?
What are 'comms'?
Do communications infer intelligence?
When does 'coincidence' become mathematically impossible?

The number seven associates with whom?
Six associates with whom?
Five associates with whom?
Five-pointed stars.  Where can they be found?
Associated with whom?
What is inside of a five-pointed star?

The Pentagon
38°52'15.44"N, 77°3'21.50"W










Washington Monument
38°53'22.07"N, 77°2'6.92"W

See the owl?










The Vatican, Rome
41°54'8.05"N, 12°27'26.13"E 







Cleopatra's Needle, London

51°30'30.66"N, 0°7'13.12"W




American courtrooms.
Yellow fringe on flag?
What is Admiralty Law?
What can a judge do under Admiralty Law? 4
Where do you see yellow-fringed flags?
What does that mean?
Who knows about this?
What is 'the swamp'?
What is 'the swamp' really?
Who controls things?
Who really controls things?
Who controls the controllers?
Who is [P]5?
What feeds 'the eye'?
Why do web pages and information references disappear?
Why have we not heard about these things 'on the news'?

The Pyramids, Giza, Egypt

29°58'44.45"N, 31°8'3.65"E


What is the significance of the number thirty-three?

World Trade Center, rebuilt

40°42'47.31"N, 74°0'47.49"W
Compare the site to the Giza site.
Similar?  Curious.









US Navy Seal Base, Coronado Island, San Diego, California
32°40'33.97"N, 117°9'27.94"W
What is this?
Why is it there?
Those you trust are the most evil.

The hole is deep.....

All glory to God.

1The day I discovered the "qmap" site was Yom Kippur, 2018 (September 19).  I began writing this post last evening, October 8, 2019.  Today, the day I am finishing and posting it, is Yom Kippur, 2019.  (So was last evening; Jewish days begin at sundown.)  I did not plan this; it just happened.

What is Yom Kippur?  What is its significance?  What were the Israelites called to do on Yom Kippur?  What are we called to do today?  Repent?  All glory to God!

UPDATE, March 16, 2021...

2The qmap website is no longer operational because the owner was pressured to take it down.  There are other aggregation websites, however. is probably the most reliable.  I find to be quite useful.

UPDATE, August 16, 2021...

4The "apfn" website has not loaded for me for a long time.  Try this one instead...

UPDATE, November 3, 2021...

5It's looking more and more like [P] is probably the Pope, or more accurately the Pontiff.  Please consider studying article #2044 at, which was apparently written circa October, 2019.

Also note the date in the title of article #2041.  Compare that date, and the contents of that article, with the date and contents of this 'Undeserving' post.  I don't believe in coincidences.  Not anymore.

UPDATES, March 15 and 16, 2022...

Added pictures for many of the Google Earth GPS references, and some related comments.  I understand most people are not going to take the time to download the Google Earth app and spend time copying and pasting locations.  Once they see what is actually there, however, perhaps they will make the effort.

UPDATE, July 22, 2022...

The particular person(s) claiming to have insider knowledge from the Trump Administration began posting again in June, but then stopped.  Around that time, the fiduciary of The United States of America (Anna von Reitz) was clearly rebuking Trump and "the White Hats," or "Alliance" to stand down and properly respect the actual American Government.  The posts ceased at that point.  Subsequent communications from Anna indicate the criminality is continuing unabated.

I am convinced Trump was working with the U.S. Military, a British-controlled mercenary force, to attack MUNICIPAL United States corporations and personnel, just as they have been doing since the American "Civil War" (mercenary conflict) in the 1860's.  They also made a big deal of attacking pedophiles, human traffickers, and the political "Left," but the promised "Storm" never materialized and criminality has continued to run amok.  The Media is still pumping out foreign propaganda on our shores, pharmaceutical corporations continue to poison people with viper venom, election fraud has not been fixed, and there is no indication the military is ever going to submit to their civilian employers.  My cautious hopes have turned into jaundiced disgust.

Satan will throw his own worshipers "under the bus" without a care.  He hates everybody.

None of this is escaping the eyes of the Creator of the Universe.  I stand with Him.

UPDATE, August 11, 2022...

Somebody put a timeline together suggesting possible answers to some of the questions I raised in the main text, above.  You can peruse it here.

It is all the opinion of the writer, of course.  Is it all true?  Probably not.  Is some of it true?  Probably.  We must all decide for ourselves what we think is right.

What is "antisemitism?"
Who pushes antisemitism?
Who really pushes antisemitism?
Why do they do that?

One thing is certain.  The Media is owned by powerful people, and they use it for their own purposes.

UPDATE, November 6, 2022...

According to the Fiduciary of The United States of America...

I am encouraged in recent days to report that the arrest of corrupt Judges is actually taking place.

The Brigadier Generals who are typically in charge of the quasi-military court system that has dominated our “occupied” country for a hundred and sixty years, are finally waking up.

The JAG Officers occupying the vacated positions of our own Provost Marshals are jerking awake, too.

When the presiding Prosecutor was asked to explain the documented fact that a man’s court case had been converted into a bond and was being actively traded, the presiding Judge in one of our recent cases came unglued.

Oh, there wasn’t anything like that going on!
There was no conflict of interest. The Officers of the court weren’t colluding to benefit themselves and foreign interests. They weren’t placing side bets against Defendants who were at their mercy to feather their own pensions and benefits, oh, no.

But they were, and the evidence of this criminal breach of trust was firmly placed in front of that judge the whole time he was ranting about our incompetence and failure to understand reality, our conspiracy theories and ignorance of the law....

A couple days later six armed military MPs shut that court down and took the Judge, the Bailiff, and several Court Clerks into custody. They locked the courthouse doors. That Judge and the other Court Officers and the evidence to convict them are now before a military Court Martial. And things are not looking good for them.

These isolated single victories may not seem like much. A single Judge gets removed from the bench. Big deal. It doesn’t seem like much when hundreds of thousands of people are still being abused by these courts every day of every week—- but it is a start.

We expect this case will finally blow the lid off the Court Bond Scandal and remove the profit motive that these courts have to secure convictions against people who shouldn’t even be addressed by these courts.

And the word will spread through the Bar Associations and Blogs and coffee klatsches that the military is on the move and doing it’s job at last.
  (Source: #3856,

It should be noted that there have still been no further "Q Drops" since the seven in June.  They can be tracked at

This is all good news.

UPDATE, November 8, 2022...

Well, I spoke too soon.  The poster is back, right before the election.

Are you ready to take back control?
Your vote matters.
You have all the tools you need.

Apparently the proposed solution is to vote in the election, but some "problems" still remain...

White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.
You have all the tools you need.

Is that all you've got??!!!  Vote???

When I was working on the team designing the "world scale" silicone plant, the project director for the engineering corporation put something like this in front of us.  He was trying to help us think creatively to actually improve what we were doing.  It stuck with me, as you can see.

Voting is not going to change anything.  Yes, the voting systems are not secure and they are corrupt, but it is not the mechanisms that are at fault.  It's the fundamentals that matter.

Shiny objects.  Mr. Trump has always been a shiny object.  So are the elections.  So are most things in this world.  We are so easily distracted by things that are not important and do not matter.

I have learned a LOT.  Thank you, Yeshua!!!!!!!

If we have others do our work for us, they will not work for us.  We must carry our own water.  We must do things for ourselves.  Putting our faith in men will always disappoint.

I put my faith in Yeshua, and I follow Him.  He has led me out of the confusion and helped me see past the shiny objects.  He knows what he's doing.  I trust Him.

We'll see what happens.......

UPDATE, October 21, 2023...

3Please forgive me, but does this image look like the cross section of a woman's breast to you?  It does to me, and knowing the significance of this location it makes sense that it would.  God is in control of all things, and it would be just like Him to have His People come out of the sea to immediately "suckle" at His "breast."  Amazing.

Renumbered footnotes to maintain proper order in the main text.