Because I Love Him

Because I love him, I follow him.

When I follow him, I am with him.

When I am with him, I know him.

When I know him, I understand him.

When I understand him, I trust him.

When I trust him, I obey him.

When I obey him, I am useful to him.

When I am useful to him, I am equipped by him.

When I am equipped by him, I can work for him.

When I work for him, I am effective for him.

When I am effective for him, I have victory through him.

When I have victory through him, I rejoice with him.

When I rejoice with him, I reign with him.

I am not worthy of him.

I was separated from him.

I was worthless.

I was powerless.

I was nothing.

I was lost.

He found me.

He touched me.

He claimed me.

He redeemed me.

He healed me.

And, he set me free.

Therefore, I love him.

I do not do what he hates, because I love him.

I do not listen to lies.

I do not waste my hours.

I do not follow others.

I do not want my own way.

I do not trust my own voice.

I am terrified of being without him.

I recognize him in a crowd.

I hear him in a din.

I see his eyes in a smile.

I know his voice.

I love what he loves, and hate what he hates.

I love his body, the Body of Christ.

I hate sin; I detest it.

I love those who love him, and weep for those who hate him.

He will soon crush Satan under his Feet.

I wait for him.

I long for him.

I dream about him.

I look for him.

I listen for him.

I focus on him.

I respond to him.

I chase after him.

I submit to him.

I learn what he likes.

I ask what he wants.

I crave to please him.

I delight in his delight.

I cherish him.

I revel in him.

I rejoice in him.

He is mine.

He is my Purpose.  He is my Choice.  He is my Bridegroom.  He is my Master.

He is my King.

All glory to God!!!