


Twila Paris

I see a multitude of people
Some far away and some close by
They weave together new religion
From tiny remnants they have found
A bit of truth, a greater lie

And all the prophets stand and sing a pleasant song
A million cords that bind the spirit growing strong
My heart is breaking
I must remind them...

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
You are the only way
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom

There is a moment of decision
But all the days go rushing by
An undercurrent of confusion
To threaten all that we believe
With little time to wonder why

And all the prophets sing the same familiar song
Even the chosen can be led to sing along
These hearts are breaking
Will you remind us...

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
You are the only way
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom

You choose the simple things to overcome the wise
Wisdom is granted in the name of Jesus Christ
In the name of Jesus Christ

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
We need You here today
(You are the only way)
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom



All glory to God.


If You Want To Communicate With Family...

Click to enlarge.
Last evening, the American Federation Fiduciary, Anna Von Reitz gave notice that today, October 1, 2024, is the day the U.S. Military will shut down all communications and broadcast the "popcorn show" they have been talking about for years.

She said people should download the "Signal Private Messenger" app to their phones in order to stay in touch with friends and family during the coming days and weeks.

She also advised people to not watch or listen to what the military will broadcast.  She said to think of the first Indiana Jones Movie (Raiders of the Lost Ark) where the nazis opened the Ark of the Covenant and Indiana told his girlfriend not to look.

Please take this seriously.  You may not have a chance to download the app once things start happening.

All glory to God.

UPDATE, October 3, 2024...

Thankfully, the communications shut-down did not happen.

Here are some related articles that came out afterwards...

Article 5046, International Public Notice: To the Joint Chiefs of Staff, October 2, 2024.

Article 5047, International Public Notice: Announcement, October 3, 2024.

Article 5049, Internal Memo: No "Stand Down" Orders, October 3, 2024.

UPDATE, October 5, 2024...

The following article was just published...

Article 5052, International Public Notice: Change of Government Underway, October 5, 2024.

Single Again

My bride died suddenly four years ago this coming January.

I have gone through the typical grief phases and mourned her deeply.  It has taken me longer than I would have thought, but has been relatively quick compared to most widow(er)s because of my decisive personality.  People have no idea how many tears I have shed privately.

Earlier this year, I realized I was ready to start looking for someone to fill the void she left.  I am ready to date.

Already, I have had some experiences to put into the category:  Lessons Learned.

People do not know how to date.  My father taught me how to treat a woman, and I used to practice those things on my wife.  She appreciated it.

People also get things out of sequence.  As a project manager, this really irritates me.  I freely admit I have not always done things right, but it is clear to me from my first interactions with the opposite sex that any respect and reverence for the boundaries God intended for marriage alone have been totally lost and forgotten.  It is very disappointing.

This morning, I was prompted to change my "status" on Facebook to "Single."  I also removed a number of photos of my bride so people will get the idea I am moving forward.

I posted this as my "pinned post"...

Those are my boundaries, and I ask people to please respect them.

I also posted this...

I am open to having friendships with anyone, but have learned what I am specifically looking for in a wife.  More importantly, I desire to find the partner God has in store for me during my next phase.

Given that much of my life is behind me, any potential mate will need to know about my background, history, and unusual views.

I ask any woman who would like to date me to please consider this entire blog required reading.  She needs to know what she is potentially dealing with and getting herself into.

I also ask her to consider my writings about my Cooler Hat additional required reading.  That other blog is not anonymous, so anyone interested in it will need to get the reference from me.

I look forward to meeting and becoming friends with many wonderful and interesting people.

All glory to God.


UPDATE, September 25, 2024...

Mulligan granted. πŸ˜‰

🍺🍩🍁  😊


Today's date.

Explanation:  https://www.undeserving.me/2016/09/the-rage-of-neptune.html

All glory to God.



This Creation we live in is very complex, and there are many things we do not understand.

I have learned to trust Jesus.

He tells me I should have the faith of a child.  That means I should trust him.  I should trust what he says.  And the only place where he has spoken is through the Bible.

I trust the Bible, and as I have learned to trust it, I have learned that it is right.  Things always line up with it.  As my faith has increased, that has been more and more so.

I see the world getting all upset about many things.  But Jesus gives me peace.

I have been following Anna Von Reitz because the Spirit of Jesus led me to do so.  He led me to correct my status, and I was obedient.  Currently, I am working in the Michigan Assembly to help reconstruct our Land Jurisdiction government, which has been dormant for 160 years.  Jesus wants me doing these things, and I see evidence of it daily.

I trust Anna's leadership about American History and Government.  I trust her as she leads us in Reconstruction.  She helped us (Michigan) get out of a bad situation earlier this year, and she freed us up to do our work.  I thank her for that.

As I have said before, I do not believe her about everything.  She is not god, and does not claim to be; nor am I.  I can be wrong, and have been.  When our opinions diverge, I generally have been silent, although I did comment about it in one post, just to make sure people comprehend where I stand.  (See the December 11, 2022 and June 27, 2024 updates to my Authority post.)

It seems every time Anna and her allies are getting close to making a significant advance in the War between Good and Evil, the Darkness tries to discredit her.  The posts she makes, like the one above, frustrate me because I believe she discredits herself when she makes them, but she clearly believes what she believes and sees what she sees.  And she has the right to her beliefs.

I have been deceived before, and I have written about some of those situations in this blog.  Perhaps I am deceived now, and I am open to changing my opinion, if evidence supports it.

But that's the problem.  I fail to see evidence.  When I look for what these people say they are seeing, I do not see anything.  Anna and her colleague Teri said in one of their webinars that it is easy to see space alien ships in the sky at dawn and dusk.  I went and looked, but did not see anything.  Am I deceived?  Perhaps.  But Jesus gives me peace.

One of my Michigan Assembly colleagues said yesterday in a Zoom call that he saw a giant "ship" in the sky.  Nobody commented.  I'm sure he saw something, but I can make no comment about it.  It was his experience, not mine.

Here are my logical thoughts about these things:

  1. The Bible talks about demons, but not space aliens.  Hollywood talks about aliens.
  2. The Bible says man is made in the image of God, which means man is special.  A universe with aliens implies man is nothing special.
  3. The Bible says the earth is only a few thousand years old; Anna talks about millions of years and Evolution.
  4. The Bible says Jesus is the Son of God, that he died to make atonement for sins, and that he rose from the dead.  How do aliens fit into that?
  5. The Bible says miraculous healings happen and I have learned how to do it myself, just like Jesus did.  The people who see alien ships put their hopes in alien technologies like "med beds."
  6. In all of Anna's writings, I do not see that she comprehends the Gospel, which implies she does not have the Gospel.  She needs the Gospel, and I pray she receives it.
  7. People claim there are treaties and documents supporting these revelations about aliens, but I have not seen any of those documents.  All I hear are claims and opinions. The engineer says, "Pony up the evidence.  Let us see it.  Prove it."

I believe people are deceived.  We can all be deceived.  If we have been deceived about The Great Fraud and the chicanery of the British Monarchy and Papal Rome, surely we are susceptible to demonic influence.  I know I was, until I was set free.

I am at peace.  God is fully in control.  I trust my Yehoshua.

All glory to God.

UPDATE, September 19, 2024...

This recent AVR article seems rather reasonable.  Decide for yourself...

Article 5012, What Christians Don't Know, September 16, 2024.

This one seems like "friends" talking to me...

Article 5015, International Public Notice: Meddling by the Galactic Council is Prohibited, September 18, 2024.

In this one, she says there are no "aliens," except the immigration kind...

Article 5010, International Public Notice: The Phoenician Bank System, September 16, 2024.

Make up your own mind.

True Riches

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city."  (Revelation 22:14 NIV)

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”  (John 20:19 NIV)

A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”  (John 20:26 NIV

Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.  (Luke 24:31 NIV)

Then the angel of the Lord touched the meat and the unleavened bread with the tip of the staff that was in his hand. Fire flared from the rock, consuming the meat and the bread. And the angel of the Lord disappeared.  (Judges 6:21 NIV)

As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.  (Acts 8:36-40 NIV)


When we moved back from Britain in 1996, I bought a used Volkswagen Fox for commuting and driving in the chemical plant where I worked.  The car was made in Brazil.

One day after work, when I was about to get into the Fox in the parking lot, I found gasoline on the ground under the car.  I looked underneath and there was a slowly-leaking section of hose in the gas line.

When I got home, I pulled the hose off and went to an auto parts store to get a new one.  The original hose had, "Made in Brazil," on it, as did most of the other parts associated with the engine.  My new hose was labelled, "Made in USA."

I made the repair and was rather pleased with myself because I almost never work on cars.  I can do it, but I am just not interested.

Several months went by and I found it leaking again.  Confident from my previous experience, I got down on the ground and looked for the problem.  The same hose was leaking, and it was the only one like it under the car.  I took the hose off and it said "Made in Brazil."  Puzzled, I went to my basement and found the extra length of "Made in USA" hose on my workbench.  Somehow, the old hose was on my car again.

I took the leaking hose back to the auto parts store and showed it to an employee.  He was not very nice and said what I had was a radiator hose, which obviously would have been made to handle water and not gasoline.  I told him I had purchased it there, and as I recall he walked away.

I was dumbfounded.  I investigated and concluded that the old hose was somehow back on my car.  I do not know when this happened precisely, but it was well after I had been reading the Bible because I got rid of the "Made in USA" remnant.  I did not want it to become a "Bronze Snake" in my life.

I tried telling this story to someone who had shared his own experience of healing someone's kidney by laying on hands and praying.  He said that his hand and the person's back got hot.  I figured he would understand my story, but he did not.  He actually almost ran away from me, and I decided to keep it to myself after that.

This all happened about twenty five years ago.  Today, I see this kind of thing frequently.  It is what I live for.  I have an absolutely amazing life.


All glory to God.


39°26'26.44"N, 44°14'5.57"E

Noah's neighbors did not see it coming either.

All glory to God.

Shock and Awe

This post is related to my "Cooler Hat." I care about my readers and believe it is important to share this information with them here...

Global Family Group (GFG)

Click to enlarge.
The Federal Reserve Note (FRN) is going away.  Legitimate notes have not been printed since 2017, and their existence is evidence of criminal activity.

People are being given an opportunity to put their dollars into a "vault" to protect their purchasing power when the change happens and their FRN's become worthless.

Please see the various articles in the Anna Von Reitz website for more information.

Anna is the Fiduciary of The United States of America, the actual government of the American Union States.  I have referred to her in several posts on this blog.

Associates of The American Federation of States are making this Vault available to all people of the world, provided each of them correct their own political status to Land Jurisdiction.

People must recognize the importance of this, learn enough about it to proceed, and then follow the necessary steps.

  1. Create a Vault account.
  2. Deposit dollars they do not need to access until after the "collapse" happens.
  3. Correct their political status.
  4. Create a Global Prosperity Account, which is where they will ultimately access the funds as AFD's or other currencies.
  5. Wait for access to the Prosperity Accounts when they eventually "go live."

Think of this as a modern-day, financial "Noah's Ark."

A "USD" is the international version of the "dollar bill," and an "FRN" is the domestic version.  The USD has been the World's "reserve currency" for decades.

An "AFD" is a new, gold-backed American currency issued by The American Federation of States.  It is called the American Federation Dollar.

FDR (source)

Americans are owed a one-to-one exchange of their "dollar bills" for silver1, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) promised in 1934 (AVR #4759, item "(47)").

The above referenced AVR article contains a very good summary of the massive fraud that has taken place. 

Time is running out (AVR #4850).  The Donald Trump "conviction" is a "shiny object," a sideshow, theater.  It is to distract people from more important things going on.


UPDATE, June 1, 2024...

Article 4851, Urgent Economic Alert, May 31, 2024.


UPDATE, June 2, 2024...

Article 4854, Reply to Ben Gardner and Anyone Else, June 1, 2024.

This article provides more details about Land Jurisdiction banking and answers some questions about it.

Article 4855, International Public Notice: Putting the US Debt in Perspective, June 1, 2024.

This article talks about big numbers -- very, very big numbers.

UPDATE, June 8, 2024...

Here is more information about the FRN and USD...

On June 9th [tomorrow], the sole-source contract with the Saudis to sell all their crude oil to the US expires.  (AVR #4864, June 6, 2024)


This may be Big News to you, but except for Mexico and Canada, no other countries on Earth are trading in Federal Reserve Notes.  As of Monday [day after tomorrow, June 10], they may not be trading in USD, either.

The Global Family Vault program is the only program (and only bank) on Earth offering to make good your losses due to inflation and counterfeiting and everything else that has gone on with the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE.  

This con started out in 1934 with one FRN being "deemed" equal in value to one Silver Dollar ---in the imagination of certain central bankers.  

Guess what has happened since then?  

The Federal Reserve Note has lost value every year of its existence, and now you are stuck holding onto this paper.  

The ratio is no longer one to one.  

That Federal Reserve Note "dollar" that you are clutching is actually worth less than half of one cent and headed straight for zero in the actual, factual world.   

That's why it now costs $10 for a bag of potato chips and it's not even a big bag.  Even in the domestic market, the FRN is obviously down to about 20% of its value fifteen years ago, and you stare at that fact every day at the grocery store.

For only $235 of these FRNs you can currently get one tenth of an ounce of gold and if you want to invest in bullion or gold coins you'd better make tracks and buy what you can at that price.

Nobody on Earth will give you a tenth of an ounce of gold in exchange for one FRN, which is what Global offers as part of the Vault program.

Why are they making such an offer?  

Because you are the innocent victim of currency manipulation.  You were guaranteed a 1:1 exchange rate, and so, from Global, you get a 1:1 exchange rate. You can preserve your 1934 buying power as if all the intervening rounds of inflation and profit-taking and counterfeiting never happened.  

You can be exempt from all the damage the fiat system caused.

You can turn that worthless paper into gold, and a poor widow with $10 in paper can exchange it for ten (10) American Federation Dollars currently worth $2350 in gold -- if you return home to your birthright status and stand on the land and soil and have sense enough to stuff ten FRNs in the Vault.  

It's that simple.
  (Read the rest here:  AVR #4871, June 7, 2024)

UPDATE, June 9, 2024...

Today marks the birth of the "Petrodollar"; it came into existence by contract fifty years ago; this day also marks the death of the "Petrodollar", as it has been announced that Saudi Arabia, one of the Principal members of OPEC, will not be renewing its contract to sell its oil exclusively using FRNs/USD.

Other countries will no longer be faced with the necessity of turning their national currency into "US" currency before being able to buy crude oil and refined oil products.

Thus ends the monopoly on crude oil and the secondary monopoly on currency, both.
  (AVR #4878, June 9, 2024)

How the Media covers it:  DuckDuckGo search for "saudi arabia petrodollar agreement"

UPDATE, June 11, 2024...

Article 4880, International Public Notice: Disturbing News, June 10, 2024.

Article 4882, International Public Notice: Arrest the Criminals, June 10, 2024

UPDATE, June 13, 2024...

1 Corrected an error by changing the word "gold" to "silver."  The article quoted in the June 8 update, above, says it was Silver Dollars.

UPDATE, June 17, 2024...

The actual American Government has issued:

  • The American Federation Dollar (international gold-backed currency, AFD).
  • Uncut Kennedy Dollars (silver-backed paper currency).
  • Reissuance of United States Silver Dollar coinage.
  • American Prepaid Credit Certificates.

Global Family Group (GFG) has recently been sending emails to those who have Prosperity Accounts containing AFD's.  They are providing information about what is happening.  Here is one graphic from that email...

Click to enlarge.