True Freedom

All glory to God.




The first year I didn't think much about fishing.  I spent a lot of time shooting baskets in the park across the street from my house.

Then one day when I was away from home, I noticed a fish.  It was a very nice fish.  I was intrigued.

I started to regularly go to the place where I had seen that beautiful fish, and I watched it for about a year.  I wasn't really interested in actually fishing at that point, but my mind started to consider possibilities.

Then suddenly, I didn't see it anymore. 

I thought about that particular fish a lot and tried to figure out why it was so interesting to me.

Then I saw another fish.  It was similar, but of a different color.  I only saw it once.

That experience got me interested in actually fishing.  I acquired some fishing gear and cast my line into the water where I had seen the fishes.  I watched my bobber.

Eventually I got some nibbles and thought I had a fish on my hook.  I started to reel it in and felt some tugs.  Then I saw the fish, but it spit out my hook.

I re-baited and recast.  Almost immediately I got a strong hit.  I snapped my rod back to set the hook and then began cranking the reel.  The fish hardly resisted; it was as if it wanted to be caught.

It was a very nice fish and I pulled it ashore.  I picked it up and it didn't struggle.  Its mouth opened and shut and its gills fanned out and in as it tried to "breath" water, which wasn't there, of course.  That fish definitely seemed to like being in my hands.

When I tried to remove the hook from its mouth, it started to squirm.  It slipped out of my hands and bounced back into the water.  I watched it swim away.  What a disappointment.

That experience gave me confidence I am a fisherman.  I actually caught a fish!  Amazing.  I can do this!

I cast my line out again, hoping to re-catch that same fish.  It was a very, very nice fish.  Quite young, but a "keeper" per the rules.

I waited and watched my bobber for a very long time.  Nothing.  I guess I scared it away.


I continue to fish and am enjoying it.  Hadn't really done it much before.  I go out every day and cast my line into the water.  I know this is a good place to fish.

Recently, I saw some wavelet rings emanating from my bobber, so I think I've had some nibbles.  I hope so.  I'm getting hungry.  I like fish.


We shall see what happens.  God is faithful.

All glory to Him.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker




All glory to God.



A Message

Three (3) days.

All glory to God.


UPDATE, December 9, 2024...

5. Understanding

INTJs [me] want to feel a sense of understanding and respect from those closest to them.  They are a rare personality type, and so this does cause them to feel easily misunderstood by people around them.  While INTJs don’t need everything about themselves to be easily understood, they do crave having at least one person who takes the time to learn who they are beneath the surface. INTJs might not be emotionally expressive people, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to feel like someone truly gets them on a deeper level.  Having someone in their life who can peel back the layers of the INTJ and be patient enough to learn who they are, is truly valuable and important.  They really only need one person to fill this role, and this is something they will appreciate and treasure always.  (Source)


UPDATE, December 11, 2024...



Every red dot is an Israeli bomb, paid for by the U.S.
(Click to enlarge.)

Jesus said...

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  (John 10:10 NIV)

Who is "The Thief"?

It's not Jesus.

Jesus is the King of Israel.  It can be argued Jesus' family name is Israel.

Something calling itself "Israel" has been bombing Gaza to rubble, and committing genocide against the people living there.

What do you suppose Jesus thinks about that?

I have made a case that spiritual alignment with Israel is crucial for spiritual authority:  Sap blog post.

I see myself as a spiritual Israelite, like Abraham, Isaac, Israel, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Peter, Nathanial, Paul, etc., etc., etc.

This, I believe, has led to amazing things in my life.

I do not identify with the sinners who are carrying out and supporting that genocide.

The Darkness deceives.  It lies.  Its adoption of the name "Israel" fools some people into unwittingly supporting evil, and drives others away from the only source of authority that can save them.


I am not deceived.  You shouldn't be either.

The Father is going to take care of this problem.  Run as far away from it as you can.

All glory to God.


UPDATE, January 26, 2025...

What a piece of used toilet paper...


So the "globalist," criminal corporations can build a new canal...

Here are the details from Mr. Trump's employer:  AVR #5235.

Here is the video from Times of India...

UPDATE, January 29, 2025...

Why is Mr. Trump interested in what is going on in Gaza?

Why do I call him "Mr. Trump"?

Is he "Commander in Chief" of the British Territorial "United States of America," Incorporated?

Has that British Territorial corporation established the "State of Israel, Incorporated," headquartered in Kensington Palace in London?  Are they calling the State of Israel, Inc. the 51st State of the Union?

Mr. Trump has been in control of the British Territorial United States of America, Incorporated, for the past eight years, and this genocide in Gaza happened on Mr. Trump's watch.

That is why I called him "a piece of used toilet paper."


UPDATE, March 23, 2025...

International Public Notice: The Issue of Israel


We call upon Mr. Trump and his Handlers in London to reflect on their responses thus far and think hard about what those responses reveal. If Britain, which caused the problem, and "the U.S." which is existing as a thrall nation of "U.S. Citizens" consigned to peonage by the British Crown-- not the Russians -- continue on in this fashion, they will have no moral standing at all.

We call for the immediate shunning of Israel and its government by all other nations; simply cut them off. Refuse to trade with them. Deny access to their diplomats. Avoid them like the pariahs they deserve to be. Just shake your heads and walk away. We no longer care what they suffered in World War II, if they continue to cause and promote similar atrocities today.

Mr. Trump, don't misrepresent our government by supporting Israel and Netanyahu in committing genocide and the Israeli equivalent of Apartheid; any more armaments you send that allow Israel to promote an offensive war in the Middle East had better come out of your private corporate stash and not be applied to our bill under the pretense that these expenditures are made in our defense.

We never approved of the Monroe Doctrine and we certainly don't approve of the role "the U.S." has played to date in the Middle East.

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

Read the full article here (#5320, March 23, 2025).

As a Michiganian State Citizen, I agree entirely with what the Fiduciary said, and condemn the genocide.  I will have nothing to do with "Israel," as they are portraying it.


Jesus said...

I have come that they might have life, and have it abundantly!  (John 10:10b TLV)

The Book says...

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.  (Matthew 9:35 NIV)

It also says his apprentices eventually did the same things...

Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.
  (Acts 3:2-8 NIV)

In Lystra there sat a man who was lame. He had been that way from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man jumped up and began to walk.  (Acts 14:8-10 NIV)

The Book says some of the apprentices took wives with them...

Don’t we have the right to take a believing wife along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord’s brothers and [Peter]?  (1 Corinthians 9:5 NIV)

Who wants to join me?

All glory to God.

UPDATE, March 2, 2025...

What is the work God requires?

(Hint:  John 6:29 NIV)


My mom died very peacefully this past Wednesday evening, October 23, 2024.

I took this photo during the early afternoon.  That is the way her hands were.

She waited for a particular caregiver to arrive for the overnight shift.  Both my sister and I were with her.

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.  (Exodus 20:12 NIV)

It has not been easy.  I visited Mom almost every day during this past year to help make sure she was getting what she needed, but mostly to spend time with her and let her know I was there.

I was coached by many people, particularly my sister.  She had helped care for her in-laws several years ago and the wisdom she shared with me helped me adapt to our mom's situation.

My sister advocated for our mother's health and our brother watched over her finances.  My sister lives five hours away from Midland, and my brother lives out of state.  I am the eldest.

Mom was in the memory unit for about two years.  She was very strong physically, but became an elopement risk and needed help staying safe.  She was not very happy to be "put in jail," as she called it in the beginning, but it is what she wanted when she was of sound mind and she eventually became generally happy in her surroundings, although she could be "growly bear" at times.

The caregiving staff loved her.  In her last days, many of them came in to visit her on their own time.  One came in on her day off to twirl Mom's hair.  My sister and I were very touched.

The caregiver who was with us when she died said a couple of days before that Mom had been making strange noises, almost like "tongues."  I told her that's what it was.  She said it was like a language.

In her final months, Mom had started making strange babbles.  Most people said nothing about it, but I knew what it was.  I knew about her history.

Back in 2016, she was baptized in the ocean and received the Holy Spirit. For those interested, I told some of her story in a previous blog post:  The Rage of Neptune.

I do not recall ever hearing Mom "speak in tongues" after being at Neptune Beach, and I do not believe she knew she had that capability.  She continued with her life-long church-going habits until she was no longer capable of going to church, and I do not recall ever discussing it with her, but as her mental capabilities faded the Holy Spirit made His presence known through her "prayer language," as I call it.

Towards the end, she was not speaking much but her "tongues" would appear as she dealt with stress, like when the caregivers had to move her and take care of her.  It was very much like how I use my prayer language when I don't know what to pray for or am under stress myself.

I believe the LORD was letting me know He was in her and that she was okay.  I thank Him for that.

(For those who would like more information about this, please read my posts:  The Car and the last part of S.W.A.T.)

People were amazed that my sister and I spent as much time as we did with Mom as she was dying.  They said that most people do not do that.  I told my sister afterwards that I believe it is because people are not comfortable with their own mortality and what death means.  I am comfortable with it because I have faith.

Grieving happens along the way when a loved one has a long-term illness or condition.  There are a few tears in the end, but generally the final departure is a relief.  That is how it was with both of my parents, but not my wife.  I lost her during a matter of hours and my grief for her was intense and prolonged.

Both my wife and my mom are now gone, and I am at peace.  I sense freedom, freedom to embrace what the LORD has in store for me.  I can now travel.  During the two years my mother was in Memory Care, I only spent one night away from home.  I knew the LORD wanted me in Midland because my mom was here.  That constraint no longer exists.  The possibilities are endless.

We shall see what happens.

All glory to God.


I knew it was coming.

Back in May, a neighbor told me he and his local band would be playing at the popular "Bully" bar/restaurant in Midland, and being single and needing supper I decided to go.  He was pleased to see me in the audience.

It was rather loud on my older ears, but they played a number of songs that took me back to my younger days.

One of the songs really affected me.  I recognized the riff and asked my friend what it was at a break.  He told me, and when I got home I searched for it on YouTube1 and downloaded it from Apple the next day. 

"Wicked Game"

Chris Isaak

World was on fire and no one could save me but you
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you

No, I don't wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I don't wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you
(This world is only gonna break your heart)

What a wicked game you played, to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you

And I don't wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I don't wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you

World was on fire and no one could save me but you
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you

No, I don't wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I don't wanna fall in love
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
With you
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
No, I...
(This world is only gonna break your heart)
(This world is only gonna break your heart)

Nobody loves no one


Ghosting (behavior)

Ghosting, simmering and icing are colloquial terms that describe the practice of suddenly ending all communication and avoiding contact with another person without any apparent warning or explanation and ignoring any subsequent attempts to communicate.

The term originated in the early 2000s, typically referring to dating and romantic relationships. In the following decade, the media reported a rise in ghosting behaviors, which has been attributed to the increasing use of social media and online dating apps. The term has also expanded to refer to similar practices among friends, family members, employers and businesses.

The most common cause of ghosting in a personal relationship is to avoid emotional discomfort in a relationship. A person ghosting typically has little acknowledgment of how it will make the other person feel. Ghosting is associated with negative mental health effects on the person on the receiving end and has been described by some mental health professionals as a passive-aggressive form of emotional abuse or cruelty.

Ghosting has become more prevalent. Various explanations have been suggested, but social media is often blamed, as are dating apps, polarizing politics and the relative anonymity and isolation in modern-day dating and hookup culture, which make it easier to sever contact with few social repercussions. In addition, the more commonplace the behavior becomes, the more individuals can become desensitized to it.

In 2014, a YouGov survey was taken to see if Americans have ever ghosted their partner to end a relationship. In a 2014 survey, 1,000 US adults were interviewed about ghosting, yielding the result that just over 10% of Americans
[11% -- surprise, surprise] have ghosted someone to break up with them.  (Wikipedia)

I forgive you.

All glory to God.

UPDATE, October 27, 2024...

Who was Isaac's mother?

UPDATE, November 11, 2024...

1 For the record, the video in this post was not the one I found when I first looked for the song on YouTube.  I did not see this particular version until I was looking for an example to include here.  When I found it, however, I knew it was the one.

I am forgiving her for ghosting me, for abruptly accusing me of something I did not do, and then cutting off all communications.  I have no qualms about anything else, and desperately hope she gets back in touch.  I want to be her friend.



Twila Paris

I see a multitude of people
Some far away and some close by
They weave together new religion
From tiny remnants they have found
A bit of truth, a greater lie

And all the prophets stand and sing a pleasant song
A million cords that bind the spirit growing strong
My heart is breaking
I must remind them...

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
You are the only way
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom

There is a moment of decision
But all the days go rushing by
An undercurrent of confusion
To threaten all that we believe
With little time to wonder why

And all the prophets sing the same familiar song
Even the chosen can be led to sing along
These hearts are breaking
Will you remind us...

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
You are the only way
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom

You choose the simple things to overcome the wise
Wisdom is granted in the name of Jesus Christ
In the name of Jesus Christ

You are the only way
(You are the one)
You are the only voice
(You are the one)
You are the only hope
(You are the one)
You are the only choice
(You are the one)
You are the one true God
(You are the one)
No matter what we say
(You are the one)
You are the breath of life
(You are the one)
We need You here today
(You are the one)
You are the only way
(You are the one)
You are the only voice
(You are the one)
You are the only hope
(You are the one)
You are the only choice
(You are the one)
You are the one true God
(You are the one)

No matter what we say
(You are the one)
You are the breath of life
(You are the one)
You are the only way

Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom



All glory to God.


If You Want To Communicate With Family...

Click to enlarge.
Last evening, the American Federation Fiduciary, Anna Von Reitz gave notice that today, October 1, 2024, is the day the U.S. Military will shut down all communications and broadcast the "popcorn show" they have been talking about for years.

She said people should download the "Signal Private Messenger" app to their phones in order to stay in touch with friends and family during the coming days and weeks.

She also advised people to not watch or listen to what the military will broadcast.  She said to think of the first Indiana Jones Movie (Raiders of the Lost Ark) where the nazis opened the Ark of the Covenant and Indiana told his girlfriend not to look.

Please take this seriously.  You may not have a chance to download the app once things start happening.

All glory to God.

UPDATE, October 3, 2024...

Thankfully, the communications shut-down did not happen.

Here are some related articles that came out afterwards...

Article 5046, International Public Notice: To the Joint Chiefs of Staff, October 2, 2024.

Article 5047, International Public Notice: Announcement, October 3, 2024.

Article 5049, Internal Memo: No "Stand Down" Orders, October 3, 2024.

UPDATE, October 5, 2024...

The following article was just published...

Article 5052, International Public Notice: Change of Government Underway, October 5, 2024.

Single Again

My bride died suddenly four years ago this coming January.

I have gone through the typical grief phases and mourned her deeply.  It has taken me longer than I would have thought, but has been relatively quick compared to most widow(er)s because of my decisive personality.  People have no idea how many tears I have shed privately.

Earlier this year, I realized I was ready to start looking for someone to fill the void she left.  I am ready to date.

Already, I have had some experiences to put into the category:  Lessons Learned.

People do not know how to date.  My father taught me how to treat a woman, and I used to practice those things on my wife.  She appreciated it.

People also get things out of sequence.  As a project manager, this really irritates me.  I freely admit I have not always done things right, but it is clear to me from my first interactions with the opposite sex that any respect and reverence for the boundaries God intended for marriage alone have been totally lost and forgotten.  It is very disappointing.

This morning, I was prompted to change my "status" on Facebook to "Single."  I also removed a number of photos of my bride so people will get the idea I am moving forward.

I posted this as my "pinned post"...

Those are my boundaries, and I ask people to please respect them.

I also posted this...

I am open to having friendships with anyone, but have learned what I am specifically looking for in a wife.1  More importantly, I desire to find the partner God has in store for me during my next phase.

Given that much of my life is behind me, any potential mate will need to know about my background, history, and unusual views.

I ask any woman who would like to date me to please consider this entire blog required reading.  She needs to know what she is potentially dealing with and getting herself into.

I also ask her to consider my writings about my Cooler Hat additional required reading.  That other blog is not anonymous, so anyone interested in it will need to get the reference from me.

I look forward to meeting and becoming friends with many wonderful and interesting people.

All glory to God.


UPDATE, September 25, 2024...

Mulligan granted. πŸ˜‰

🍺🍩🍁  😊

UPDATE, October 18, 2024...

1 Added this link to the post describing what I am specifically looking for in a wife.

UPDATE, March 2, 2025...

I am the coach and I am looking for a player.

I am looking for someone who is going to pick up a glove and learn the game, who is coach-able and can master the fundamentals.

The one who studies me and can prove they know me by telling me about myself is the one who is going to get my attention and has the best chance of making the team.

I am not looking for someone who is swinging for the fence.  They are likely to strike out.

We are the home team.  Once the game starts, we will be in the field.  Defense first.  We don't score while we are in the field.

I presume she knows how to bat.  I know I do.

She who has ears to hear, let her hear.