Burned Toast

Fearing our Creator is the beginning of wisdom.
I'm going to tell you some things because I love you and want you to have the joy and the life that I have.  I'm going to talk about why I fear God.

As I said in previous posts, I have read the Bible many times because I love God and am chasing after him with my whole heart!  The Bible is not God, but it gives us insight into who God is, his character, and how we relate to him.  It tells His story from The Beginning, and provides us with everything we need in order to start a new life with Him.

Many people like to grab onto the fact that "God is love," and they like to tell people that "Jesus loves us."  Yes, God is love and yes, Jesus does love us, but there is much more to it than that.  God is also righteous and holy, and he hates sin.  All sin.  If we1 have the full Gospel, then we have been saved from our sin and we can have the kind of relationship with God he wants us to have, but it cannot be on our terms.  It must be on His.2

I am not writing this to unbelievers; I am writing to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, those who have the Holy Spirit.  Please have Holy Spirit help you understand what I am going to talk about, below.  If you do not have Holy Spirit with you, please get Him; then come back and read this, if you like.  You will not understand if you don't.

In a previous post, I briefly summarized a story that happened to me fifteen years ago.  What I am going to tell you is the truth.  Jesus is the Truth, and I chase after him.  If I was not telling you the truth, His Holy Spirit would immediately convict me of sin, and I don't like being convicted.  I am nobody special.  Jesus is special, and I just follow him.

I told you about a vacation our family took to Washington, D.C., where I prayed for the Capitol while standing on the Speaker's Balcony looking down Pennsylvania Avenue, and I prayer-walked twice around the White House.  In each of those cases, I was praying for their protection.  From what, I did not know.  I am now going to give you a few more details about that whole incident, and in particular I am going to talk about the "theme song."

While we traveled from Michigan to Virginia, my younger daughter, who was nine years old at the time, played the Newsboys compilation album, Shine: The Hits, over and over and over on her CD player.  In particular, she played the song Breakfast.  The only Newsboys song I knew at the time was Entertaining Angels, so I didn't know what she and her sister were doing.  They kept laughing about some "breakfast" song, and apparently said enough about it that I took notice.

The weather was lousy most of the way to Washington.  It started raining3 as soon as we left our driveway, and it at least drizzled most of the way.  In southern Michigan I had to stop at a rest area because it was raining very hard and I was sleepy.  I took a nap, and when we got back on the highway we saw there had been an accident not too far past the rest area.  I remember thinking we had avoided being involved in the accident because we stopped at the rest area.  Later, it rained particularly hard when we traveled through the mountains of Pennsylvania and into Maryland, but the sky finally cleared up when we got past Washington the next day.

We went to Williamsburg in Virginia before we headed back to Washington from the south.  We stopped and visited Mount Vernon, President George Washington's estate.  While there, I stood in front of the manor house looking at the Potomac River and realized that I was probably standing right where the owner stood before he went off to experience the many things Providence had in store for him.  It was a strange experience.  While there, I kept hearing the scream of airplane engines above, as flights turned to approach airports in the metropolitan area.

Our hotel was right in the middle of Washington, D.C., between the Capitol and the White House.  During our stay, I kept hearing airplane engines over the street noise, and it made me uneasy that airplanes would be flying so close to a city of such importance.  Reagan National Airport provides much convenience for travelers, but its runways require planes to descend over the city, depending on the wind direction.

Our congressman's office had arranged for us to visit some sights in the city, and one of them was the National Cathedral.  I didn't know the United States had a "cathedral," but apparently it does.  While I was up in a high point of the building, probably the steeple, I looked out a small window and saw an airplane approaching Reagan National to land.  Again, I had similar thoughts about the planes.

A few days later, when we were headed home, we stopped for lunch at a service area near Somerset, Pennsylvania.  We went into the restaurant and the food-purchase area was completely clogged with people.  It was going to be a long wait.  While we stood at the back of the line I became quite troubled and said to my wife that I could not stay there; I had to leave.  She went to look for some food elsewhere and I went back to the car.  While I was there, I prayed about my troubled feelings to gain peace and I believe the Spirit came over me as I did so.  I then decided to listen to the "breakfast" song on my daughter's CD player, just to check it out.  Here are the lyrics to the chorus:
When the toast is burned,
And all the milk has turned,
And Captain Crunch is waving farewell;
When the Big One finds you,
May this song remind you,
That they don't serve breakfast in hell.
I thought it was rather catchy and listened to it several times before my family rejoined me in the car.

When we got home, I ended up quitting my job because I strongly believed God wanted me to do so.  I had taken on a new role for a new boss four months earlier, but there was strangely no work for me to do.  The place had also become increasingly "dark," and I strongly felt in my spirit that God wanted me to get rid of some idols in my life:  steady income, health-care insurance, retirement savings and pride of accomplishment, to name some of the main ones at the time.  He wanted me to follow Him, so I did, and my wife was okay with it.  She had not had a job that paid money since right after we got married, so her demeanor helped confirm that this was a major "God thing."

One day, within the first month of leaving my job, while I was waiting for God to show me what he wanted me to do, I shredded a lot of papers from my old life, and played the Newsboys album over and over and over again while I was doing so.  About half of the time I played Breakfast.  That day was my daughter's birthday, and also the day God called me to pray about what I described in my other post.  The Breakfast theme song was running through my head.

Three weeks later, on the morning everyone remembers, I was awakened by a voice.  I don't recall what it said -- probably my name.  I got up and started my routine.  While in the bathroom, I recall hearing the phrase in my head, "In God we trust," and I spoke aloud, "No, we don't."  When my wife left for her Bible study class, I went into my prayer closet, per my usual routine.  While in prayer, I began to sense something I had never experienced before.  The best way to describe it is it was similar to what Obi-Wan Kenobi described when the Death Star destroyed Leia's home planet, Alderaan, in the fictional movie, Star Wars Episode IV.  Something significant was happening, but I didn't know what.  Then my wife came back into the house through a door just outside the room I was praying in.  I went out to see what was wrong.  She had forgotten something.  After she left again, I went back to pray, and hoped to pick up where I had left off, but what I was praying about was gone.  It was similar to waking up from a good dream and not being able to continue it again, even though you want to.  I decided to quit and went to the kitchen to load the dishwasher.  The time was a bit after 08:45.

Before I started working on the dishes I started the CD player with, you guessed it, Shine: The Hits.  During the first song my sister called and she was distressed.  She told me what was going on and I remember saying to her something like, "That's really interesting," as I recalled my prayer experiences.  I told her to go pray, and after we finished I decided to finish loading the dishwasher before turning on the TV.

Once I saw what was going on I was shocked and confused, like everybody else.  As the music played on the CD player I saw the second structure get hit as the chorus of Breakfast played.  I strongly believe the phrase, "When the toast is burned," played at the very moment the flames erupted, at least that is how my spirit remembers it.  I watched in agony, like everybody else, as events unfolded, and the music played on through the album.  I had not opened up the curtains to the room so it was rather dark, even though the morning had progressed and the sun was shining outside.  Eventually, the first structure fell and the Breakfast chorus of the Mega Mix track played while the dust and ashes climbed into the air.  Then, when the second one fell, I was suddenly struck by what had happened and I fell to my knees.  The song coming from the CD player was Entertaining Angels.
Entertaining angels,
By the light of my TV,
Twenty-four/seven, you wait for me;
Entertaining angels,
By the time I fall to my knees,
Host of heaven, sing over me.
I was absolutely astounded.  And afraid.  I figured out the time between the incidents, and did the arithmetic to add up the song durations on the CD, and determined that the timing was perfect.  The chorus of Breakfast played in my house during both events, and the timing for the last song fit, too.

It took me years to come to terms with this, not that what I had done was wrong, but with realizing the character of God and how profound it had all been.  I still tremble in my spirit, to this day.  God is the one who made this event happen, and He let me know about it ahead of time.  I tried to tell others, but my wife was the only one who truly heard me.  If you hear me now, blessed are your ears.

Here are the complete lyrics to Breakfast.  I have underlined some parts I find fascinating and connected to all this.  I still tremble; tremble at the privilege of knowing such a magnificent and amazing God!

Hold the milk, put back the sugar
They are powerless to console
We've gathered here to sprinkle ashes
From our late friend's cereal bowl.
Breakfast Clubbers, say the motto
That he taught us to repeat:
"You will lose it in your gym class
If you wait 'til noon to eat."

Back when the Chess Club said our eggs were soft
Every Monday he'd say grace and hold our juice aloft
Oh, none of us knew his checkout time would come so soon
But before his brain stopped waving, he composed this tune:


Breakfast clubbers, drop the hankies.
Though to some our friend was odd,
That day he bought those pine pajamas
His check was good with God.

Those here without the Lord,
How do you cope?
For this morning we don't mourn
Like those who have no hope

Oh, rise up, Fruit Loop lovers -
Sing out sweet & low
With spoons held high
We bid our brother, "Cheerio!"

When I was delivered in Jacksonville, I had a lot of sorting out to do.  Realizing I'd had unclean spirits in me was disconcerting, but I never felt that my involvement in the above story was wrong.  Satan wanted me to think so, but God was faithful and gave me three witnesses the day after my deliverance.  It has taken some time for me to realize it, however.

The first witness was a dear sister who was sitting, and praying and glorifying God on the stage in the conference center.  I had been talking to a number of people, and I ended up having her pray for me again because I wasn't sure the demons were gone.  She asked me if I had any unconfessed sin in my life, and I told her about the above story.  She ended up saying that God does these kind of things and had no condemnation for me at all.

The second witness was a young lady my family and I were with until the building was closed, and we remained with her in the parking lot after that.  I told her the story, and she had the same message.  God does these things, and at times he takes away what is holding the darkness back, and things happen.  (My interpretation:  See the first two chapters of Job.)

While we were with her in the conference center, and as I was telling her the story, she saw, and pointed to, the number "11," written on the wall behind me.  It was in the lighted area between the black boxes on the white wall.  To her, it was confirmation that our appointment was God-ordained, and it gave me confidence that God was with me.

The third witness was Holy Spirit, Himself.  He has been with me more and more clearly every day, and He testifies that what I did was right, and that God is the one who led me in all of this.  Doing these blog posts has been very helpful for me, because it has helped me recall and remember the things I did all those years ago.  I am back again where I was in many ways.  Things I did then I am doing again, but it is much easier for me now.  God's spirit has been with me for a long time, but never as strongly as He is today.  I am free, and God is with me!  Yippeee!!!

Again, I am nobody special, but we certainly have a very special God!

To summarize, I am terrified of God -- in a good way.  I am terrified of being separated from Him, and I love Him and want to follow him more than anything.  And I love you, too, and want the same for you!  Please pursue Him.  He is limitless; and he is the only way to salvation.  All other ways lead to where they never serve breakfast!  Make sure you don't miss yours!

Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!  All glory to God!!!

UPDATE, March 15 and 22, 2022...

This experience was given to me alone, although my family did experience some parts of it.  Perhaps it is still only intended for me, but I do believe it is a sign for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.  I also believe it indicates how I fit into the Body of Yeshua's Bride.

People do not like to be labeled a "conspiracy theorist."  That term was invented to be used as a weapon to shut down debate and isolate those who are seeking the Truth.  Yes, there are erroneous ideas circulating in the culture, especially on the Internet, but it is foolishness for us to quickly dismiss someone as a "conspiracy theorist" just because we have cognitive dissonance about what they say, especially if they have corroborating evidence to support their claims.

I have learned a lot since I wrote this post.  There is much evidence the 9/11 attacks were a false flag, and it was used as an excuse to implement policies like the Patriot Act and establish the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), as well as justify invasion of Afghanistan and re-invasion of Iraq.  The narrative about Islamic hijackers fed emotions to support war against those countries, but it was actually all about money... and crime.  ...and Satan worship.

I believe the towers were designed to fail.  Some people think missiles were used and demolition charges were necessary to bring them down.  Maybe.  I can see that a controlled situation might have made it possible to perfectly time the destruction.  Who knows?  Perhaps it was all coordinated to fit a Newsboys album! 😉

For the record, aviation fuel fires will weaken steel enough for it to fail.  Chemical plants and refineries are designed to protect the structural steel in the event of a hydrocarbon fire.  As far as I am concerned, the actual mechanisms don't really matter.  What matters is those who were responsible for protecting the people of this country failed to do so, and some of them must have been involved in planning and executing the event.

Other things that point to it being a false flag are the Occult aspects.  The numbers of the airplane flights, the design of the towers, and the date chosen for it to happen all point to occultists.  Do a search for "occult aspects of 911" and you will see for yourself.

Click to enlarge.
By the way, the service area we stopped at near Somerset, Pennsylvania, is only about five miles west of the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel near Shanksville, where the plane went down as it was heading east.  Notice that Flight 93 never reached its target, whether it was World Trade Center Building 7 in New York City, or some important building in Washington, D.C.
Isn't that interesting?
Where's my corroborating evidence?  I have contemporaneous documents from that time period.  My wife kept all of her wall calendars from the time we were married, and she made many notes on them.  The time period we were in Washington, D.C. is marked on the relevant calendar.
Click to enlarge.
I also highlighted routes we traveled in my road atlases when we took long and significant trips.  I often circled where we stayed or stopped.
We were there.

UPDATE, April 6, 2022...

3I have noticed a frequent correlation between inclement weather and significant spiritual events and activities.  That is why I mentioned the rain here.  There are biblical references to this.  Noah's Flood is an obvious example, and so is the people's confession of their sins in Ezra 10 (verses 9 and 13).  The spiritual realm and natural realm are connected and sometimes things manifest through the weather.
UPDATE, July 27, 2022...

Renumbered the footnotes to maintain proper order in the main text.

1Changed the pronouns in this paragraph from second person singular ("you," "your") to first person plural ("we," "our"), to sound more inclusive and less accusatory.

UPDATE, July 28, 2022...

Renumbered the footnotes to maintain proper order in the main text.
2Added the link.

UPDATE, October 6, 2022...

UPDATE, January 7, 2023...

I just re-watched the movie United 93 (2006).  Many of the key characters were portrayed by the people who actually participated in that day's events.  The people who were in the Newark airport control tower the morning of 9/11/2001, who saw UAL175 fly up the Hudson River and hit the South Tower, played themselves in the film.  They knew what they saw.  Were they "crisis actors?"  Unlikely.  The film implies there were other people in that tower who saw the same thing.

Some people believe the whole event was staged by Hollywood using computer graphics and that cruise missiles or remotely-piloted military tankers were actually used to attack the Trade Center.  However, I do not think the facts support any of that.  There were too many witnesses spread out across the country who actually saw what happened, and some of them ended up in the movie.

False flags have been used to influence the public, and some have been perpetrated by actors.  Not all.  Criminals have used horrific false flags to drive their narratives, and Trump used Tweets about celebrities to undercut those narratives.  A ruthless war of information has been happening, and most of what is in the Media is propaganda and misleading.

I still believe much of the story about 9/11 happened as it has been portrayed, especially what happened with UAL93.  That plane did not reach any target of value, and my experience near the crash site prior to the event, as I described above, cements my belief that it really happened.
I believe the Darkness has targeted and attacked my family since we made that trip to Washington, D.C. in 2001, and I don't think what happened to UAL93 was "per their script."  But Mammon-worshipers being what they are, I think they saw an opportunity to make money through the emotion of that story and they optimized their cash flow by producing and distributing that film five years later.

On a different note, I also noticed the gematria of the date as I watched the credits...

9 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 14
1 + 4 = 5

Yup. Occult.

UPDATE, November 1, 2023...

Our experience at the Somerset service area and my prayer on my daughter's birthday occurred after I had made my identification with spiritual Israel at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  I believe that commitment grafted me into the Israel "tree," and I began receiving the nourishing sap.  I believe this is very biblical, and very important.